Fine-tune print jobs
You can fine-tune print jobs to ensure print quality. Because problems sometimes occur when you are printing text to a non-PostScript printing device (GDI printer), you can decrease printing time by specifying driver compatibility for non-PostScript printing devices. For more information, see Print colors accurately.
If a printing device has difficulty processing large bitmaps, you can divide a bitmap into smaller, more manageable chunks by setting an output threshold. If any lines appear when the printing device prints the chunks, you can set an overlap value to produce a seamless image.
On occasion, you may experience difficulties with printing complex files. To print complex files, you may need to spend a considerable amount of time fixing and correcting the files. Another option is to convert a page to a bitmap, also known as rasterizing, which can allow you to print complex files more easily.
To reduce file size, you can downsample bitmaps. Because bitmaps are made up of pixels, when you downsample a bitmap, the number of pixels per line decreases, which decreases the file size.
To specify driver compatibility settings
Printing, and then click
Driver compatibility.
Choose a non-PostScript printing device from the
Printer list box.
Enable any of the check boxes that correspond to the settings that you want to specify.
Print text as graphics — renders text as graphics to avoid font compatibility issues during printing. This ensures the text prints exactly as it appears on screen, especially if the printer does not support certain fonts or formatting. This option has no impact on PostScript printers. The text is rasterized or converted to curves before printing.
Use software clipping for fills — Enabling this check box allows the application to handle clipping, rather than the printing software. This option has no impact on PostScript printers.
Output bitmaps in 64k chunks — sends bitmap data in 64k chunks to optimize printing for low-memory devices. If a printing device has difficulty processing large bitmaps, you can divide a bitmap into smaller, more manageable chunks by setting an output threshold. If any lines appear when the printing device prints the chunks, you can set an overlap value to produce a seamless image. This option has no impact on PostScript printers.
Send Bézier curves and paths to driver — sends Bézier curves and paths directly to preserve design precision. The printer driver processes the curves and shapes in their original vector format, maintaining their smoothness and detail for complex illustrations or high-quality printing. While available for all printers, this option is particularly relevant for non-PostScript printers. The option is enabled by default and can be turned off when needed.
Print to fit the paper size — Most printers support only a limited set of predefined paper sizes, typically selected during printing. This setting applies only to printers that can match paper sizes and accept any size sent. When you enable the check box, the page size of the document remains unchanged, with no scaling applied, while the printer is instructed to use a paper size outside its standard options.
To choose a threshold and chunk overlap
In the
Special settings area, choose values from the following list boxes:
Bitmap output threshold (K)
To print as a bitmap
On the
General tab, enable the
Print as bitmap check box, and type a number in the
dpi box to set the
To downsample bitmaps
Click the
Prepress tab.
In the
Bitmap downsampling area, enable any of the following check boxes and type a value in the corresponding box:

Downsampling bitmaps affects them only when their resolution is higher than the resolution specified in the Bitmap downsampling area.