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Using ConceptShare

You can access ConceptShare from CorelDRAW by opening a ConceptShare account. After you log into your account and create one or more workspaces, you can upload your document to one of the workspaces you have created. Each workspace can contain multiple documents or designs. You can then invite others to one or more of your workspaces. Each workspace has separate user permissions, and the people who have access to a workspace have access to all documents within that workspace.

Each person who has permission to enter your workspace can view and mark up elements of the design you have posted. Users can also write comments, or respond to previous comments posted by others. If multiple users are logged in at the same time, they can interact in real time, providing instant feedback. For more information, visit the ConceptShare website.

To open a ConceptShare account Back to Top


The ConceptShare online content may not be available in all languages. Some languages that are currently unavailable may become available in the future.

To log into ConceptShare Back to Top


The ConceptShare online content may not be available in all languages. Some languages that are currently unavailable may become available in the future.


You can also access your ConceptShare account online at the ConceptShare website.

To publish the current page to a ConceptShare workspace Back to Top


In CorelDRAW, you can publish individual pages or multipage documents one page at a time. Each page is uploaded as a separate concept within the workspace. If you log into your ConceptShare account from a browser, you can publish a whole multipage document but not individual pages.


You can also publish the current page to a workspace by clicking File Publish page to ConceptShare, right-clicking the page tab at the bottom of the screen and choosing Publish page to ConceptShare, or right-clicking the page in the Object manager docker and choosing Publish page to ConceptShare.

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