Apply vector brushstrokes

You can apply a variety of preset brushstrokes, ranging from strokes with arrowheads to ones that are filled with rainbow patterns. When you draw a preset brushstroke, you can specify some of its attributes. For example, you can change the width of a brushstroke and specify its smoothness.

Furthermore, CorelDRAW lets you create custom brushes, adding a personalized touch to the design process and empowering you to tailor brushes to your unique artistic vision.You can create custom brushstrokes by using an object or a group of vector objects. When you create a custom brushstroke, you can save it as a preset.

The above image was created by using many different brushstrokes and widths.

To apply a preset vector brushstroke

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1 In the toolbox, click the Artistic media tool .
2 Click the Vector Brush button on the property bar.
3 Choose a brush category from the Category list box.
4 Choose a brushstroke from the Brushstroke list box.
5 Drag until the stroke is the shape you want.


You can also
Set the width of the brushstroke
Type a value in the Stroke width box on the property bar.
Smooth the edges of the brushstroke
Type a value in the Freehand smoothing box on the property bar.
Apply transformations to brushstroke thickness when scaling
Click the Scale stroke with object button on the property bar.


If you have access to a brushstroke that isn’t listed in the Brushstroke list box, you can apply it by clicking the Browse button on the property bar and locating the brushstroke file.

You can also choose brushstrokes from the Artistic Media docker. You can open the Artistic Media docker by clicking Effects Artistic Media.

To create a custom vector brushstroke

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1 Select an object or a set of grouped objects.
2 In the toolbox, click the Artistic media tool .
3 Click the Vector Brush button on the property bar.
4 Click the object or grouped objects.
5 Click the Save artistic media stroke button on the property bar.
6 Type a filename for the brushstroke.
7 Click Save.


Custom brushstrokes can be accessed from the property bar by choosing Custom from the Category list box. The custom brushstrokes display in the Brushstroke list box.


To delete a custom brushstroke, choose Custom from the Category list box on the property bar, choose the brushstroke from the Brushstroke list box, and click the Delete button .

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