CorelDRAW lets you simulate the effect of a calligraphic pen when you draw lines. Calligraphic lines vary in thickness according to the direction of the line and the angle of the pen nib. By default, calligraphic lines appear as closed shapes drawn with a pencil. You can control the thickness of a calligraphic line by changing the angle of the line you draw in relation to the calligraphic angle you choose. For example, when the line you draw is perpendicular to the calligraphic angle, the line is at the maximum thickness specified by the pen width. Lines drawn at the calligraphic angle, however, have little or no thickness.
A calligraphic pen allows you to draw lines of various thicknesses.
CorelDRAW lets you create pressure-sensitive lines which vary in thickness. For more information, see Vector brushstrokes and stylus input.
A flower drawn by using three different artistic media lines: calligraphic lines (left), pressure-sensitive lines of variable thickness (center), and flat preset lines (right).
CorelDRAW provides preset lines that let you create thick strokes in a variety of shapes. After you draw a calligraphic or preset line, you can apply a fill to it as you would to any other object. For information about applying fills, see Fills.
The width you set is the maximum line width. The angle of the line you draw in relation to the calligraphic angle determines the line’s actual width.
You can also choose preset lines from the Artistic Media docker. You can open the Artistic Media docker by clicking Effects Artistic Media.
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