Customize the status bar

The status bar displays information about selected objects, such as color, fill type, and outline. The status bar also shows the current cursor position and relevant commands. In addition, it displays document color information, such as the document color profile and color proofing status. You can customize the status bar by changing the information that is displayed and by resizing it. You can also customize the status bar by adding, removing, and resizing toolbar items. In addition, you can restore the status bar to its default settings. You can also place the status bar at the top of the application window to see the displayed information more easily.

To change the information the status bar displays

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Click the button next to the displayed information and choose one of the following options:
Tool Hints
Object Details
Cursor Coordinates
Document Color Settings

To resize the status bar

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1 Click Tools Options Customization.
2 Click Command Bars.
3 Choose Status bar from the list.
4 In the Status bar properties area, type 1 or 2 in the Number of lines when docked box.

To add or remove a toolbar item on the status bar

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1 Click Tools Options Customization.
2 Click Commands.
3 Choose a command category from the top list box.
4 Press Alt and drag a toolbar item from the list to the status bar.
If you want to remove a toolbar item from the status bar, drag the item off the status bar.

To resize toolbar items on the status bar

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1 Click Tools Options Customization.
2 Click Command Bars.
3 Click Status bar, and enable the check box.
4 Choose one of the following options from the Size list box in the Button properties area:

To change the position of the status bar

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Right-click the status bar, click Customize Status bar Position, and click Top or Bottom.

To restore the status bar default settings

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Right-click the status bar, and click Customize Status bar Reset to Default.

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