GIF is a bitmap-based format designed for use on the web. It is highly compressed to minimize file transfer time and supports images with up to 256 colors. The GIF file format supports a maximum image size of 30,000 × 30,000 pixels and uses LZW compression. For more information about exporting images to the GIF file format, see Export bitmaps for the web.

The GIF format provides the ability to store multiple bitmaps in a file. When the multiple images are displayed in rapid succession, the file is called an animated GIF file.

For Internet use, you can also save images to the JPEG and PNG formats. If you want to publish an image to the web and are not sure which format to use, see Export bitmaps for the web.

To import a GIF file

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1 Click File Import.
2 Locate the folder in which the file is stored.
3 Choose GIF - CompuServe Bitmap (*.gif) from the list box next to the File name box.
4 Click the filename.
5 Click Import.
6 Click the drawing page.


You can also
Resample a graphic while importing
For more information, see To resample a bitmap while importing.
Crop a graphic while importing
For more information, see To crop a bitmap while importing.


You can drag on the drawing page to resize the image.

GIF technical notes

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Corel programs import versions 87A and 89A of the GIF file format, but export only to version 89A. Version 87A supports basic features and interlacing. The newer version, 89A, includes all features found in 87A plus the ability to use transparent colors and to include comments and other data from the image file.
Corel programs support the following color depths when importing animated GIF files: black and white (1-bit), 16 colors, grayscale (8-bit), and 256 color paletted (8-bit).

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