Manage content with the Tray docker

You can organize your content by using trays. A tray is useful for gathering content from various folders. While the files are referenced in the tray, they actually remain in their original location. You can add and remove content from the tray. The tray is shared between CorelDRAW and Corel PHOTO-PAINT.

You can create trays, and you can rename them using meaningful names. In addition, you can load a tray file that is not listed among the available trays. You can delete a tray at any time.

The Tray docker also lets you add content to the active document. For more information about adding content to the active document, see To insert content in the active document.

To add content to a tray

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1 In the Assets docker (Window Dockers Assets), search or browse for content.
2 Right-click a thumbnail, and click Add to [Tray Name].


You can also drag content from a folder on your computer to the Tray docker.

To remove content from a tray

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1 Click Window Dockers Tray.
2 Select a thumbnail in the tray, and click the Remove from tray button .

To work with trays

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1 Click Window Dockers Tray.
2 Perform a task from the following table.


Do the following
Open a tray
Choose a tray from the list box.
Create a tray
Click the Tray management button , and click Add new tray.
By default, trays are saved to your Documents\Corel\Corel Content\Trays folder.
Rename a tray
Click the Tray management button , and click Rename tray. Type a name in the Rename dialog box.
Load a tray file
Click the Tray management button , and click Open tray file. Navigate to the tray file.
Delete a tray
Click the Tray management button , and click Delete tray.

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