Portable Network Graphics (PNG)

The Portable Network Graphics (PNG) file format is an excellent file format for lossless, portable, and well-compressed storage of bitmaps. It takes up a minimum amount of disk space and can be easily read and exchanged between computers. The Portable Network Graphics format provides a replacement for the GIF format and can also replace many common uses of the TIFF format.

The Portable Network Graphics format is designed to work well in online viewing, such as on the web, and it’s fully streamable with a progressive display option. Some web browsers do not support all formatting and features. You can export images to the Portable Network Graphics file format if you want to use transparent backgrounds, image interlacing, image maps, or animation in your webpages.

Exporting graphics to the Portable Network Graphics format converts them to bitmaps that can be used in desktop publishing programs and Microsoft Office applications. You can also edit Portable Network Graphics in image-editing programs such as Corel PHOTO-PAINT and Adobe Photoshop. For more information, see Export bitmaps for the web.

You can also save images to the GIF and JPEG formats to use on the Internet. If you want to publish an image to the web but are not sure which format to use, see Export bitmaps for the web.

To import a Portable Network Graphics file

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1 Click File Import.
2 Locate the folder in which the file is stored.
3 Choose PNG - Portable Network Graphics (*.png) from the list box next to the File name box.
4 Click the filename.
5 Click Import.
6 Click the drawing page.


You can also
Resample a graphic while importing
For more information, see To resample a bitmap while importing.
Crop a graphic while importing
For more information, see To crop a bitmap while importing.


You can drag on the drawing page to resize the image.

Portable Network Graphics (PNG) technical notes

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You can import Portable Networks Graphics (PNG) files from 1-bit black and white to 24-bit color; 48-bit color is not supported.
Masks and indexed-color, grayscale, and true color images are supported. Masks, however, are not saved in 1-bit black-and-white or 8-bit paletted files.
LZ77 compression is supported, and the maximum image size is 30,000 × 30,000 pixels. Sample depths range from 1 to 16 bits.
The PNG file format also checks full-file integrity and detects common transmission errors. The PNG file format can store gamma and chromatic data for improved color matching on different platforms.

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