Reference: Painterly brushstrokes
Features that are incompatible with Painterly brushes at this time either appear grayed out or trigger a message that the application does not support them.

If you open or import a file that contains Painterly brushstrokes that were created with a brush pack that isn’t installed on your system, the Unavailable brush icon
is displayed in the Brush picker when the brushstroke is selected. You can edit the brushstroke, but editing can result in loss of original brushstroke data. For information on acquiring brush packs, Acquire more brushes.
The following table contains a list of compatible tools and features.
Supported tools and features
Pick tools ( Pick, Freehand pick, Free transform)
Edit shape tools ( Shape, Smooth, Smear, Twirl, Attract and Repel, Smudge, Roughen)
Cropping brushstrokes results in a vector curve and bitmap object.
Splitting a brushstroke results in a vector curve and bitmap object.
Virtual segment delete tool
Erasing brushstrokes results in a vector curve and bitmap object.
Curve tools ( Freehand, 2-point line, Bézier, Pen, B-spline, Polyline, 3-point curve)
A brushstroke can be applied to an object created with this tool.
A brushstroke can be applied to an object created with this tool.
Shape tools (Rectangle tools, Ellipse tools, Polygon, Star, Spiral, Common Shapes, Impact, Graph Paper)
A distort effect cannot be applied to a brushstroke. A brushstroke can be applied to an object with a distort effect; however, the distort effect becomes non-editable.
An envelope can be applied to a brushstroke. You can apply a brushstroke to an object with an envelope, and then edit the envelope if needed.
Cannot be used on open curve brushstrokes; however, you can apply a fill to a closed curve object with a brushstroke.
Cannot be used on open curve brushstrokes. When a closed curve brushstroke intersects with another object, and the Smart fill tool is used, the brushstroke may be partially obscured by the new filled object.
Cannot be used on open curve brushstrokes
Fills cannot be applied to open curve brushstrokes. Selecting an outline color results in a change to the brushstroke color.
Brushstrokes can be applied to and placed in PowerClip frames. You can apply brushstrokes when editing the contents of PowerClip objects. Closed curve objects with brushstrokes cannot be used as PowerClip frames.
You can create and edit symmetry groups with brushstrokes and objects with brushstrokes applied but at this time the symmetrical image appears in the document window only after you hide and show the symmetry group object.
Trimming a brushstroke breaks it apart into a vector curve and a bitmap image.