Work with languages

A drawing can contain text that alternates between different languages. For example, if English is the default language of your computer’s operating system, and you also have a French language module installed, you can use the writing tools to check the spelling or grammar of both French and English text. When you run the spelling checker, Grammatik, or the thesaurus, CorelDRAW checks words, phrases, and sentences according to their assigned language. This prevents foreign words from being marked as misspellings. You can use the writing tools the same way you would if the text were all in one language. You can check the spelling or grammar of dates, time, currency symbols, text or look up a word in a different language.

If multiple language modules are available, you can choose from the list and set a default Writing Tools language.

You can check for the formatting conventions of another language. For example, the spelling checker can format all dates in a drawing according to French conventions (such as "12 avril 2005").

Many of the languages support hyphenation. Hyphenation lets you reduce the raggedness of text along the right margin by dividing a word that falls at the end of a line, instead of forcing the entire word to the next line.

You can also specify which quotation marks to use for different languages. For more information, see To customize quotation marks for different languages.

To assign a language to text

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1 Select the text.
2 Click Text Writing tools Language.
3 In the Text language dialog box, choose a language from the list.


You can assign a language to selected words, sentences, or paragraphs.

To use the writing tools for the language you select in the Text language dialog box, the module for that language must be installed.


You can check which language has been assigned to text by selecting the text and viewing the three-letter language code that appears in the status bar.

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