3D file formats

3D files contain 3D models of objects. Usually, 3D files are constructed of polygons and surfaces, and include descriptions of related elements, such as color, texture, and reflections. The 3D-authoring software that is included in CorelDRAW Technical Suite supports only polygon 3D models.

Corel DESIGNER lets you import files of the following 3D file types:

AutoCAD Drawing Interchange Format (DXF, DWG).
Initial Graphics Exchange Specification (IGES)
Universal 3D (U3D)
XVL (.xv2, .xv3, .xv0)

Corel DESIGNER licenses 3D applications from Lattice Technologies — XVL Studio Corel Edition and XVL Player — to provide 3D file format support. You can upgrade XVL Studio Corel Edition to XVL Studio 3D CAD Corel Edition, which supports additional native 3D CAD and advanced 3D exchange file formats.

For information about working with 3D models, see Work with 3D models.

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