Add block shadows

The Block Shadow tool in Corel DESIGNER lets you add solid shadows to objects and text. Unlike drop shadows and extrusions, block shadows consist of simple lines, which makes them ideal for screen printing and sign making.

Text with a block shadow

The Block Shadow tool is located on the Interactive tool flyout.

You can adjust the depth and direction of a block shadow, and you can change its color. A block shadow may contain holes, but you can remove them to create a solid curve object.

By default, a block shadow is generated from the object outline. You can also choose to ignore the outline and start the block shadow from the object edge. The effect of this option is more obvious when an object has a thick outline. In addition, you can expand a block shadow that is generated from the object outline.

Top: Original text. In the bottom row, different block shadows are added to the text. Lower-left: The block shadow extends from the object outline. Middle: The block shadow ignores the outline. Lower-right: The block shadow is expanded.

If you are planning to print or export your document, you can specify block shadow settings to suit your needs. For example, you can set a block shadow to overprint, that is to print on top of underlying objects. Also, overlapping areas between the object and its block shadow can be removed when the document is exported or printed.

You can remove block shadows from objects at any time.


When an object with a block shadow is brought into Focus mode, the object and the block shadow are brought into focus together. Once in Focus mode, you can select and edit the object and the block shadow separately. For more information about Focus mode, see Edit objects in Focus mode.

To add a block shadow

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1 In the toolbox, click the Block Shadow tool .
2 Click the object, and drag in the direction you want until the block shadow is the size you want.


You can’t add a block shadow to a bitmap which has been shaped by an envelope.

To edit a block shadow

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1 Using the Block Shadow tool , click the object.
2 Perform any of the tasks from the following table.


Do the following
Adjust the depth of a block shadow
Type a value in the Depth box.
Tip: You can also adjust the depth by dragging the vector handle in the drawing window.

Adjusting the depth of a block shadow

Set the direction of a block shadow
Type a value in the Direction box.
This value specifies the angle of the block shadow in relation to the object.
Tip: You can also change the direction of a block shadow by dragging the handle in the drawing window.
Change the color of a block shadow
Choose a color from the Block shadow color picker on the property bar.
Tip: You can also change the color by dragging a color from the color palette to the vector handle in the drawing window.
Remove the holes from a block shadow
Click the Remove holes button on the property bar to enable it.

Top: A block shadow with holes. Bottom: The same block shadow with the holes removed.

Expand a block shadows that is generated from the outline
On the property bar, click the Generate from object outline button to enable it. Type a value in the Expand block shadow box on the property bar.

The block shadow on the right is expanded.

Ignore the outline when generating a block shadow
On the property bar, click the Generate from object outline button to disable it.

To set printing and exporting options for block shadows

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1 Using the Block Shadow tool , click the object.
2 Perform any of the tasks from the following table.


Do the following
Set a block shadow to print on top of underlying objects
Click the Overprint block shadow button .
Trim overlapping areas between the object and its block shadow
Click the Simplify button .

The bottom row shows a block shadow that has been trimmed to remove the area where the text and block shadow overlap.

To remove a block shadow

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1 Using the Block Shadow tool, click the block shadow.
2 Click the Clear block shadow button on the property bar.

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