Adobe Flash (SWF)

Important note! Support for Flash content was discontinued on January 12, 2021. We don’t recommend exporting files to the Adobe Flash (SWF) format. For more information, see

Adobe Flash is a file format for creating and displaying vector-based images and animation. Macromedia Flash files are extremely compact and of high quality, making them ideal for use on the web.

Before you save a file to the Adobe Flash file format, you can determine whether the file has potential export problems. You can check the current file and display a summary of errors, possible problems, and a suggestion for resolving the issue.

To export an Adobe Flash file

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1 Click File Export.
2 Locate the folder in which you want to save the file.
3 Choose SWF - Adobe Flash from the Save as type list box.
4 Type a filename in the File name list box.
5 Click Export.
6 In the Flash export dialog box, choose values from any of the following list boxes:
JPG compression — specifies the amount of JPEG file compression
Resolution (dpi) — specifies the resolution of the image
Smoothing — tones down differences between adjacent pixels
7 Enable one of the following options in the Bounding box size area:
Page — applies the bounding box to the page
Objects — aligns the bounding box to the objects in the file
8 Enable any of the following check boxes in the Optimization area:
Convert dashed outlines — converts dashed outlines to solid lines
Rounded caps and corners — rounds the corners and endpoints of lines and curves
Use default fountain steps — lets you use the default number of steps for fountain fills



You can save the settings in the Flash export dialog box to a preset by clicking the Add preset button and typing a name in the Setting name box.

To preview a Adobe Flash file in a browser, you must have the Adobe Flash Player plug-in installed on your computer.

To view the issues summary for an Adobe Flash file

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1 Click File Export.
2 Locate the folder in which you want to save the file.
3 Choose SWF - Adobe Flash from the Save as type list box.
4 Type a filename in the File name list box.
5 Click Export.
6 In the Flash export dialog box, click the Issues tab.
7 Click an error or warning in the error list to see the details and suggestions for resolving the issue.
If you want to overlook certain issues, click Settings, and disable the check boxes that correspond to those issues.


The Issues tab heading indicates the number of issues. The icon on the tab heading changes, depending on the severity of the issue or issues identified.

Adobe Flash (SWF) technical notes

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Adobe Flash (SWF) files cannot be imported into Corel DESIGNER.

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