Change text color

You can quickly change both the fill and outline color of text. You can change the fill, outline, and background color of text. You can change the color of individual characters, a block of text, or all characters in a text object.

Left to right: Background color is applied to artistic text, paragraph text, and selected characters

To quickly change the color of a text object

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1 Using the Pick tool , click a text object to select it.
2 Perform a task from the following table.


Do the following
To fill characters in a text object with one color
Click any color swatch on the default color palette or drag a color swatch to the text object.
To apply an outline color to all characters in a text object
Right-click any color swatch on the default color palette or drag a color swatch to the edge of a character in the text object.

To change the color of a text selection

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1 Using the Text tool , select a character or a block of text.
If the Properties docker is not open, click Window Properties.
2 In the Properties docker, click the Character button to display the character-related options.
3 In the Character area of the Properties docker, perform one or more tasks from the following table.


Do the following
Choose a fill
In the text color area, choose a fill type from the Fill type list box, open the Fill picker, and then click a color or a fill.
Modify fill settings
In the text color area, click the Fill settings button , and modify the settings in the dialog box.
Choose a background fill
In the text background color area, choose a fill type from the Background fill type list box, open the Fill picker, and then click a color or a fill.
Modify background fill settings
In the text background color area, click the Fill settings button , and modify the settings in the dialog box.
Choose an outline width
In the text outline color area, click the Outline width list box, and choose an option from the list.
Choose an outline color
In the text outline color area, click the Outline color picker, and click a color.
Modify line outline settings
In the text outline color area, click the Outline settings button , and modify the settings in the Outline pen dialog box.

To add a background color to text

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Do the following
Add a background color to paragraph or artistic text
Using the Pick tool , select the text. Open the Background color picker on the property bar, and pick a color.
Add a background color to specific characters
Using the Text tool , select the characters. Open the Character background color picker on the property bar, and pick a color.


You can also add a background color to text by using the Background color controls in the Character area of the Properties docker. To access the Properties docker, click Window Properties.

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