Copy, duplicate, and delete objects

Corel DESIGNER provides you with several ways to copy objects. When you no longer need an object, you can delete it.

Cut, copy, and paste

You can cut or copy an object to place it on the Clipboard and paste it into a drawing or another application. Cutting an object places it on the Clipboard and removes it from the drawing. Copying an object places it on the Clipboard but keeps the original in the drawing.

When you paste objects, they usually appear in their original position or in the center of the drawing. So at a higher zoom level, the pasted object may appear in an area that is hidden from view. However, you can choose to paste the object in the visible area.


Duplicating an object places a copy directly in the drawing window and does not use the Clipboard. Duplicating is faster than copying and pasting. When an object is duplicated, there is a distance between the duplicate and the original object along the x and y axes. This distance, known as duplicate offset, can be changed in the Document Options dialog box.

Duplicate offset

Copy objects at a specified position

You can create multiple copies of objects simultaneously, while specifying their position, without using the Clipboard. For example, you can distribute object copies horizontally, to the left or right of the original object; or you can distribute copies of objects vertically, below or above the original object. You can specify the spacing between copies of objects, or you can specify the offset at which copies of objects are created in relation to each other.

To cut or copy an object

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1 Select an object.
2 Click Edit, and click one of the following:


You can also cut or copy an object by right-clicking the object and clicking Cut or Copy.

To paste an object into a drawing

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Click Edit Paste.

To paste an object in the center of the visible area

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Click Edit Paste in View.


You can also paste an object in the visible area by pressing Ctrl+Shift+V.

To duplicate an object

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1 Select an object.
2 Click Edit Duplicate.
The duplicate is placed at an offset from the original object.


If you’ve set the Ctrl and Shift keys to the Windows standard (Ctrl=Duplicate/Leave original, Shift=Constrain), you can duplicate an object as you place the duplicate where you want in the drawing window. To do this, first select the object using the Pick tool . Holding down Ctrl, drag the object to where you want to create a duplicate, and release the mouse button. For information about setting the Ctrl and Shift keys to the Windows standard, see To change the constrain key.

You can also duplicate a selected object by pressing Ctrl + D.

You can change the offset at which duplicates are created. Click Layout Document Options. Click General, and type values in the Horizontal and Vertical boxes in the Duplicate offset area.

Offset values of 0 place the duplicate on top of the original.
Positive offset values place the duplicate up and to the right of the original.
Negative offset values place the duplicate down and to the left of the original.

To delete an object

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1 Select an object.
2 Click Edit Delete.


You can also delete an object by clicking the object and pressing Delete.

To create copies of an object at a specified position

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1 Select an object.
2 Click Edit Step and repeat.
3 In the Step and repeat docker, type a value in the Number of copies box.


Do the following
Distribute copies of objects horizontally
In the Vertical settings area, choose No offset from the Mode list box. In the Horizontal offset area, choose Spacing between objects from the Mode list box. To specify the spacing between object copies, type a value in the Distance box. To place the object copies to the right or left of the original, choose Right or Left from the Direction list box.
Distribute copies of objects vertically
In the Horizontal settings area, choose No offset from the Mode list box. In the Vertical offset area, choose Spacing between objects from the Mode list box. To specify the spacing between copies of objects, type a value in the Distance box. To place the copies above or below the original, choose Up or Down from the Direction list box.
Offset all copies of objects by a specified distance
In the Horizontal offset and Vertical offset areas, choose Offset from the Mode list box, and type values in the Distance boxes.

Multiple copies of an object are offset by a specified distance.

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