Find, move, and copy layers and objects

When working with complex projects, you can find layers and objects quickly by using the Objects docker.

You can move or copy layers on a single page or between pages. You can also move or copy selected objects to new layers, including layers on the master page.

Moving and copying layers affects the stacking order. Moving or copying an object to a layer below its current layer causes the object to become the top object on its new layer. Similarly, moving or copying an object to a layer above its current layer causes the object to become the bottom object on its new layer.

When you add a new page, objects that reside on the desktop are kept on the layer where they were created and do not appear on the new page. You can have such objects moved to the Desktop layer automatically so that they appear on all document pages.

To find an object or a layer

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In the Objects docker, type the name of an object or a layer in the Search box.

To move a layer

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1 If the Objects docker is not open, click Window Objects.
2 In the layers list, drag a layer name to a new position.

To copy a layer

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1 If the Objects docker is not open, click Window Objects.
2 In the layer list, right-click the layer that you want to copy, and click Copy.
3 Right-click the layer above which you want to place the copied layer, and click Paste.
The layer and the objects it contains are pasted above the selected layer.

To move or copy an object to another layer

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1 If the Objects docker is not open, click Window Objects.
2 Click an object in the Objects docker.
3 Click the Options button , and click one of the following:
Move to Layer
Copy to Layer
4 Click the destination layer.


When you move objects to or from a layer, the layer must be unlocked.


You can move and copy an object to another layer by dragging the object to a new layer in the Objects docker.

To move objects on the desktop to the Desktop layer when adding new pages

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In the Objects docker, click the Options button , and disable the Keep Desktop Objects on Layer command.


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