General notes on importing text files

When you import a text file into a Corel program, it appears almost the same as in the source program. However, some formatting attributes and page layout features may not be supported. In such cases, the program tries to simulate the results of a feature when a reasonable substitution can be made.
The following word-processing features are not supported: headers, footers, footnotes and endnotes, columns, and macros.
Font matching support is included. You can modify font-matching settings in the Font matching results dialog box. Fonts are converted by size and by family, provided the source file format includes font family information that the program can access.
Rich Text Format (.rtf) files are automatically converted to the Microsoft Windows ANSI (American National Standards Institute) character set. The Macintosh Character Set and Standard IBM PC Code Page 437 are also supported.
Corel graphics programs match characters as closely as possible. Font matching is used if the imported text font is not on the user’s system. However, if a match cannot be made, the font characters appear in the program as unrecognizable text.
Conversion of font sizes is supported.
Corel graphics programs support all font families for the following word-processing programs and formats: Corel WordPerfect, Microsoft RTF, Microsoft Word PC, Microsoft Word Macintosh, Word for Windows.
Corel graphics programs support only selected fonts from the fonts supported by Ami Professional. This typically includes Standard PostScript fonts and the Standard HP PCL fonts.
When Macintosh files are converted, font support is limited to the supported font families of the Windows formats.
Fonts converted to formats other than those listed in the table above are mapped to fonts that Corel graphics programs find as the best fit.
You may encounter alignment problems when converting from and to a proportional and nonproportional font. Therefore, if you import a document created in a nonproportional font to a proportional font, some pages may have more text on a page than the original document.
Source documents that contain a table of contents and index are converted into the appropriate functions in an .rtf file.
Data that is automatically outlined is converted to regular text.
Style sheet properties are converted to RTF. The file appears as in the source program; however, the style sheet from the original program is not imported.
Text contained within a frame or a positioned object is retained.


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