Skew objects

When you skew an object, you slant it horizontally, vertically, or both. You can specify the degree by which you want to slant the object. You can also change the skew and sizing anchor point of an object from its default center position.

To skew an object

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1 Select an object.
2 In the toolbox, click the Free transform tool .
3 Click the Free skew button on the property bar.
If you want to change the object’s reference point to use when skewing the object, locate the Object origin icon on the property bar and click the box that corresponds to the reference point you want to set.
4 Type values in the Skew angle boxes on the property bar.


You can also
Apply the skewing according to the object’s position rather than the x and y coordinates
Click the Relative to object button on the property bar.
Skew an object using the Transform docker
Click Object Transform Skew, and type values in the X and Y boxes to skew the object horizontally or vertically.
Skew from a point on the selected object
In the Transform docker, enable the Use anchor point check box, and click the point on the origin locator that corresponds to the point on the object from which you want to skew the object.
Leave the original object unchanged and apply the transformation to a copy
In the Transform docker, type a number in the Copies box.


If you move the skew anchor point, you can reset it to the center again by clicking Object Transform Clear transformations.


You can also skew an object interactively by dragging one of its skew handles.

You can also skew an object by typing values in the Skew angle boxes on the Transform toolbar. To display the Transform toolbar, click View Toolbars Transform.

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