
You can save a view of any part of a drawing. For example, you can save a view of an object at 230% magnification and then return to this specific view at any time.

To save a view

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1 Click Window Views.
2 Use the Zoom tools in the Views docker to set up a view.
3 Click the Add current view button .
You can also
Rename a view
Double-click a view name, and type a new name.
Delete a saved view
Click a view, and click the Delete current view button .


You can also save the current view by clicking the Zoom or Pan tool in the toolbox, clicking in the Zoom levels list box on the standard toolbar, typing a name, and pressing Enter.

To switch to a saved view

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1 Click Window Views.
2 Click a view in the Views docker.


You can also switch to a saved view by selecting it from the Zoom levels list box on the standard toolbar.

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