A file that contains a list of shortcut keys. Different tables are active depending on the task that you are performing.
active object (Corel PHOTO-PAINT)
An object that has a red border around its thumbnail in the Objects docker.
A temporary storage area for masks. When you save a mask to an alpha channel, you can access and reuse it in the image as many times as you want. You can save an alpha channel to a file or load a previously saved channel in the active image.
The lighting in a room, including natural and artificial light sources.
A file that supports moving images; for example, animated GIF and QuickTime (MOV).
A method of smoothing curved and diagonal edges in images. Intermediate pixels along edges are filled to smooth the transition between the edges and the surrounding area.
The ratio of the width of an image to its height (expressed mathematically as x:y). For example, the aspect ratio of an image that is 640 x 480 pixels is 4:3.
The number of binary bits that define the shade or color of each pixel in a bitmap. For example, a pixel in a black-and-white image has a depth of 1 bit, because it can only be black or white. The number of color values that a given bit depth can produce is equal to 2 to the power of the bit depth. For example, a bit depth of 1 can produce two color values (2 1=2), and a bit depth of 2 can produce 4 color values (2 2 = 4).
Bit depth ranges between 1 and 64 bits per pixel (bpp) and determines the color depth of an image.
An image composed of grids of pixels or dots.
See also vector graphic.
A fill created from any bitmap.
A brightness value that is considered black in a bitmap image. In Corel PHOTO-PAINT, you can set the black point to improve the contrast of an image. For example, in a histogram of an image, with a brightness scale of 0 (dark) to 255 (light), if you set the black point at 5, all pixels with a value greater than 5 are converted to black.
A 1-bit color mode that stores images as two solid colors — black and white — with no gradations. This color mode is useful for line art and simple graphics. To create a black-and-white photo effect, you can use the grayscale color mode.
See also grayscale.
The part of the printed image that extends beyond the edge of the page. The bleed ensures that the final image goes right to the edge of the paper after binding and trimming.
The invisible box indicated by the eight selection handles surrounding a selected object.
The amount of light that is transmitted or reflected from a given pixel. In the HSB color mode, brightness is a measure of how much white a color contains. For example, a brightness value of 0 produces black (or shadow in photos), and a brightness value of 255 produces white (or highlight in photos).
CERN (Conseil Europeén pour la Recherche Nucléaire) is the scientific laboratory in which the World Wide Web was developed. CERN is also one of the World Wide Web server systems. Contact your server administrator to find out which system your server uses.
An 8-bit grayscale image that stores color or mask information for another image. There are two types of channels: color and mask. Images have one color channel for each component of the color model on which they are based. In addition, some images use spot color channels. Each channel contains the color information for that component. Mask (alpha) channels store masks that you create for your images, and they can be saved with images in formats that support mask information, such as Corel PHOTO-PAINT (CPT) format.
An object whose image elements are inserted into the shape of another object, called a parent object. The child object and parent object are called a clipping group. The child object must be on a layer above the parent object.
In commercial printing, a form of trapping created by extending the background object into the foreground object.
A rarely used image map type that includes code for both client-side and server-side image maps. This type of image map automatically defaults to the user’s web browser for image map processing. If the browser does not support image maps, the server uses the external map file to process information. Currently, most web browsers support image maps, so client-side image maps are more common.
This common image map type does not depend on the server to process the map information.
Ready-made images that can be imported into Corel applications and edited if required.
An area that is used to temporarily store cut or copied information. The information is stored until new information is cut or copied to the Clipboard, replacing the old.
A mask that lets you edit an object’s transparency levels without affecting the pixels in the object. You can change the transparency levels directly on the object and then add the clip mask, or add the clip mask before making the changes.
The percentage of the range of values that is not displayed in the upper part of the histogram’s vertical axis.
A color tint that often occurs in photos as a result of lighting conditions or other factors. For example, taking a photo indoors in dim incandescent light can result in a yellow color cast, and taking a photo outdoors in bright sunlight can result in a blue color cast.
The maximum number of colors an image can contain. Color depth is determined by the bit depth of an image and the displaying monitor. For example, an 8-bit image can contain up to 256 colors, while a 24-bit image can contain roughly up to 16 million colors. A GIF image is an example of an 8-bit image; a JPEG image is an example of a 24-bit image.
A color mode made up of cyan (C), magenta (M), and yellow (Y). This mode is used in the three-color printing process.
A color mode made up of cyan (C), magenta (M), yellow (Y), and black (K). CMYK printing produces true blacks and a wide tonal range. In the CMYK color mode, color values are expressed as percentages; therefore, a value of 100 for an ink means that the ink is applied at full saturation.
A code page is a table in the DOS or Windows operating system that defines which ASCII or ANSI character set is used for displaying text. Different character sets are used for different languages.
An 8-bit grayscale version of an image. Each channel represents one level of color in the image; for example, RGB has three color channels, while CMYK has four. When all the channels are printed together, they produce the entire range of colors in the image.
The range of colors that can be reproduced or perceived by any device. For example, a monitor displays a different color gamut than a printer, making it necessary to manage colors from original images to final output.
A system that defines the number and kind of colors that make up an image. Black-and-white, grayscale, RGB, CMYK, and paletted are examples of color modes.
A simple color chart that defines the range of colors displayed in a color mode. RGB (red, green, blue), CMY (cyan, magenta, yellow), CMYK (cyan, magenta, yellow, black), HSB (hue, saturation, brightness), HLS (hue, lightness, saturation), and CIE L*a*b (Lab) are examples of color models.
A collection of solid colors from which you can choose colors for fills and outlines.
A description of the color-handling capabilities and characteristics of a device.
In commercial printing, the process of splitting colors in a composite image to produce a number of separate grayscale images, one for each primary color in the original image. In the case of a CMYK image, four separations (one for cyan, magenta, yellow, and black) must be made.
In electronic color management, a virtual representation of a device or the color gamut of a color model. The boundaries and contours of a device’s color space are mapped by color management software.
See also color gamut.
A solid-colored patch in a color palette.
The value that determines the color range or sensitivity of the Lasso mask tool, Magic wand mask tool, and Fill tool. Tolerance is also used in the Color mask dialog box to determine which pixels are protected when you create a color mask. A pixel is included in the specified color range if its grayscale value falls within the defined tolerance.
A printing term used to describe a method of overlapping colors to compensate for misaligned color separations (misregistration). This method avoids white slivers that appear between adjoining colors on a white page.
See also spread, choke, and overprinting.
The difference in tone between the dark and light areas of an image. Higher contrast values indicate greater differences and fewer gradations between dark and light.
control points (Corel PHOTO-PAINT)
The points that extend from a node along a curve that is being edited with the Shape tool. Control points determine the angle at which the curve passes through the node.
To cut unwanted areas of an image without affecting the resolution of the part that remains.
An abstract style of art that stresses several aspects of the same object simultaneously, generally in the form of squares or cubes.
A type of color space and device color model. This color space is multi-component, allowing color to be defined by other than the standard set of three (RGB) and four (CMYK) color components.
The outward-facing, double-headed arrows located at each corner of the highlighting box.
A process used to simulate a greater number of colors when only a limited number of colors are available.
A measure of a printer’s resolution in dots per inch. Typical desktop laser printers print at 600 dpi. Imagesetters print at 1270 or 2540 dpi. Printers with higher dpi capabilities produce smoother and cleaner output. The term dpi is also used to measure scanning resolution and to indicate bitmap resolution.
The portion of a drawing window enclosed by a rectangle with a shadow effect.
An image in the duotone color mode is an 8-bit grayscale image that has been enhanced with one to four additional colors.
An editable area (selection) allows paint and effects to be applied to the underlying pixels.
See also protected area and mask.
Determines the character set of text, letting you correctly display text in the appropriate language.
Exchangeable Image File (EXIF)
A file format that embeds digital camera information, such as the time and date a photo is taken, shutter speed, and focus, into JPEG images.
A photographic term referring to the amount of light used to create an image. If not enough light is permitted to interact with the sensor (in a digital camera) or film (in a traditional camera), the image appears too dark (underexposed). If too much light is permitted to interact with the sensor or film, the image appears too light (overexposed).
The level of sharpness along the edges of a drop shadow.
A color, bitmap, fountain, or pattern applied to an area of an image.
An application that translates digital information from one form to another.
An image in which objects are combined with the background and can no longer be edited as individual objects.
An editable area that hovers or floats above an image and can be moved and modified without affecting the underlying pixels.
A bitmap with no background. Floating objects are also referred to as photo objects or cutout images.
A set of characters with a single style (such as italic), weight (such as bold), and size (such as 10 point) for a typeface such as Times New Roman.
A smooth progression of two or more colors applied to an area of an image that follow a linear, radial, conical, or square path. Two-color fountain fills have a direct progression from one color to another, while custom fills may have a progression of many colors.
The shades of color that make up the appearance of a fountain fill. The more steps in a fill, the smoother the transition from the beginning color to the end color.
An irregular shape generated by a repeating pattern. Fractals can be used to mathematically generate an irregular and complex image by following a pattern, without having to define all of the individual components in the image.
A type of pixel distribution that spreads the pixel information outward using bell-shaped curves rather than straight lines.
A graphic file format designed to use a minimum of disk space and be easily exchanged between computers. This format is commonly used to publish images of 256 or fewer colors to the Internet.
A typographic glyph corresponds to a single character of a typeface.
The area of a command bar that can be dragged. Dragging the grab area moves the bar, while dragging any other area of the bar has no effect. The location of the grab area depends on the operating system you are using, the orientation of the bar, and whether the bar is docked or undocked. Command bars with grab areas include toolbars, the toolbox, and the property bar.
A square point that represents each color on the gradient arrow of a gradient fill, which is used to change the fill’s start and end points, colors, and transparency values.
A color mode that displays images by using 256 shades of gray. Each color is defined as a value between 0 and 255, where 0 is darkest (black) and 255 is lightest (white). Grayscale images, especially photos, are commonly referred to as "black and white."
An image that uses the grayscale color mode, which can display up to 256 shades of gray, ranging from white to black. Grayscale images, especially photos, are commonly referred to as "black and white."
A series of evenly spaced horizontal and vertical lines that are used to help draw and arrange objects.
A set of objects that behave as one unit. Operations you perform on a group apply equally to each of its objects.
A horizontal, vertical, or slanted line that can be placed anywhere in the drawing window to aid in object placement.
An image that has been converted from a continuous tone image to a series of dots of various sizes to represent different tones.
A set of eight black squares that appear at the corners and sides of an object when the object is selected. By dragging individual handles, you can scale, resize, or mirror the object. If you click a selected object, the shape of the handles changes to arrows so that you can rotate and skew the object.
highlight, shadow, and midtone
Terms used to describe the brightness of pixels in a bitmap image. Brightness values range from 0 (dark) to 255 (light). Pixels in the first third of the range are considered shadows, pixels in the middle third of the range are considered midtones, and pixels in the last third of the range are considered highlights. You can lighten or darken specific areas in images by adjusting the highlights, shadows, or midtones. A histogram is an excellent tool for viewing and evaluating the highlights, shadows, and midtones of images.
A rectangle with eight handles that encloses a selection in an image.
A histogram consists of a horizontal bar chart that plots the brightness values of the pixels in your bitmap image on a scale from 0 (dark) to 255 (light). The left part of the histogram represents the shadows of an image, the middle part represents the midtones, and the right part represents the highlights. The height of the spikes indicates the number of pixels at each brightness level. For example, a large number of pixels in the shadows (the left side of the histogram) indicates the presence of image detail in the dark areas of the image.
The area of an object that you can click to jump to the address specified by a URL.
HSB (hue, saturation, brightness)
A color model that defines three components: hue, saturation, and brightness. Hue determines color (yellow, orange, red, and so on); brightness determines perceived intensity (lighter or darker color); and saturation determines color depth (from dull to intense).
The World Wide Web authoring standard comprised of markup tags that define the structure and components of a document. The tags are used to tag text and integrate resources (such as images, sound, video, and animation) when you create a webpage.
The property of a color that allows it to be classified by its name. For example, blue, green, and red are all hues.
An electronic link that provides access directly from one place in a document to another place in that document or to another document.
A graphic in an HTML document that contains clickable areas that link to locations on the World Wide Web, to other HTML documents, or to graphics.
A high-resolution device that creates film or film-based paper output used in the production of plates for printing presses.
Intensity is a measure of the brightness of the light pixels in a bitmap compared with the darker midtones and dark pixels. An increase in intensity increases the vividness of whites while maintaining true darks.
Interlaced video images take two passes to fill a screen, painting every other line in each pass. This can produce a flicker.
In GIF images, a method that lets you display a web-based image on the screen at a low, blocky resolution. As the image data loads, the image quality improves.
A scripting language used on the web to add interactive functions to HTML pages.
A format for photographic images that offers compression with some loss of image quality. Because of their compression (up to 20 to 1) and small file size, JPEG images are widely used in Internet publishing.
An improved version of the JPEG file format that features better compression and allows you to attach image information and assign a different compression rate to an image area.
The space between characters, and the adjustment of that space. Often, kerning is used to place two characters closer together than usual, for example WA, AW, TA, or VA. Kerning increases readability and makes letters appear balanced and proportional, especially at larger font sizes.
A printing term that refers to an area where underlying colors have been removed so that only the top color prints. For example, if you print a small circle on a large circle, the area under the small circle is not printed. This ensures that the color used for the small circle remains true instead of overlapping and mixing with the color used for the large circle.
A color model that contains a luminance (or lightness) component (L) and two chromatic components: "a" (green to red) and "b" (blue to yellow).
A transparent plane on which you can place objects in a drawing.
The spacing between lines of text. Leading is important for both readability and appearance.
An object that protects part or all of an image when you perform color and tonal corrections. You can view the effect of a correction through a lens without affecting the underlying pixels. If you move a lens, the correction is applied to the pixels at the new location.
The process of placing an object created in one application into a document created in a different application. A linked object remains connected with its source file. If you want to change a linked object in a file, you have to modify the source file.
A kind of file compression that maintains the quality of an image that has been compressed and decompressed.
A kind of file compression that results in noticeable degradation of image quality.
Smooth areas in an image where gradual changes take place. That is, areas where there are no edges or noise.
A lossless file compression technique that results in smaller file size and faster processing time. LZW compression is commonly used on GIF and TIFF files.
A dashed outline that surrounds an editable area or an object in an image. By default, object marquees are blue and mask marquees are black.
To select objects or nodes by dragging the Pick tool or Shape tool diagonally and enclosing objects in a marquee box with a dotted outline.
A mask is applied to an image during image editing to define protected areas and editable areas.
Mask tool operation modes that you must choose before you create or fine-tune a mask and its editable area. There are four mask modes: Normal, Additive, Subtractive, and XOR. The Normal mode (default) lets you select an area in an image. The Additive mode lets you expand the editable regions by selecting multiple areas in an image. The Subtractive mode lets you reduce the editable regions by removing areas from a selection. The XOR mode lets you select multiple areas in an image. If areas overlap, the overlapping regions are excluded from the editable area and added to the protected area.
An editing state that determines how the selected paint, object, or fill color combines with other colors in the image.
To move an object in small increments.
See also nudge and super nudge.
The visual effect of radiating curves created by superimposing two regular patterns. For example, a moiré pattern can result from overlapping two halftone screens of different angles, dot spacing, and dot size. Moiré patterns are the undesirable result of rescreening an image with a different halftone screen or with the same halftone screen on an angle different from the original.
The decorative artwork made by arranging small pieces of variously colored material to form pictures or patterns.
A color mode that displays images by using multiple color channels, each comprising 256 shades of gray. When you convert an RGB color image to the multichannel color mode, the individual color channels (red [R], green [G], and blue [B]) are converted to grayscale information that reflects the color values of the pixels in each channel.
An option that can improve the overall performance of an application by optimizing how the CPU executes tasks.
NCSA (National Center for Supercomputing Applications)
NCSA is a server system. If you are creating an image map to be displayed on the web, you need to know the system your server uses, because different codes are used in the map files. Contact your server administrator to find out which system your server uses.
The square points at each end of a line or curve segment. You can change the shape of a line or curve by dragging one or more of its nodes.
In bitmap editing, random pixels on the surface of a bitmap, resembling static on a television screen.
NTSC (National Television Standards Committee)
A video color filter that is commonly used to define the gamut of colors supported by television monitors in North America.
To move an object in increments.
See also micro nudge and super nudge.
An independent bitmap that is layered above the background image. Changes applied to objects do not affect the underlying image.
The quality of an object that makes it difficult to see through. If an object is 100 percent opaque, you cannot see through it. Opacity levels under 100 percent increase the transparency of objects.
See also transparency.
A red-tinted, transparent sheet that you can superimpose on the protected areas in an image. The mask overlay makes it easy to distinguish between the editable and the masked (protected) regions in an image. When the overlay is applied, the masked areas are displayed in varying degrees of red (according to their transparency). The deeper the saturation of the red tint, the greater the degree of protection.
See also editable area and protected area.
Overprinting is achieved by printing one color over another. Depending on the colors you choose, the overprinted colors mix to create a new color, or the top color covers the bottom color. Overprinting a dark color on a light color is often used to avoid registration problems that occur when color separations are not precisely aligned.
See also color trapping, choke, and spread.
A video color filter that is commonly used to define the gamut of colors supported by television monitors in Europe and Asia.
An 8-bit color mode that displays images of up to 256 colors. You can convert a complex image to the paletted color mode to reduce file size and to achieve more precise control of the colors used throughout the conversion process.
To move the image around in the image window, usually when the image is larger than its window. Panning changes the image view in the same way that scrolling moves the image up, down, to the left, or to the right in the image window. When working at high magnification levels where not all of the image is displayed, you can quickly pan to see parts of the image that were previously hidden.
A feature that lets you choose a substitute font if you open a file that contains a font not installed on your computer. You can make a substitution for the current working session only, or you can make a permanent substitution, so that the new font is automatically displayed when you save and reopen the file.
The colors that are available through the PANTONE Process Color System, which is based on the CMYK color model.
An object whose shape is combined with the image elements of another object, called a child object. The child object and parent object are called a clipping group. The parent object must be on an object layer below the child object.
A series of line or curve segments connected by square endpoints called nodes.
A fill consisting of a series of repeating vector objects or images.
The hollow circles in the corners of the highlighting box.
A colored dot that is the smallest part of a bitmap.
See also resolution.
A type of image distortion in which individual pixels are discernible to the naked eye, or groups of pixels appear as blocks of colors. Pixelation is caused by incorrect resolution or incorrect image dimensions, or it can be created intentionally for a special effect.
PNG (Portable Network Graphics)
A graphic file format designed for use in online viewing. This format can import 24-bit color graphics.
A stylus that you can use to access commands and draw your images. To use with Corel PHOTO-PAINT, you must install the pressure-sensitive pen, along with a pressure-sensitive tablet and its corresponding drivers.
In commercial printing, colors that are produced from a blend of cyan, magenta, yellow, and black. This is different from a spot color, which is a solid ink color printed individually (one printing plate is required for each spot color).
In JPEG images, a method of having the image appear on screen in its entirety, at a low, blocky resolution. As the image data loads, the image quality progressively improves.
An area that prevents paint and effects from being applied to the underlying pixels.
See also mask and editable area.
As applied to orbits, sets the distance between the center of the brushstroke and the nibs that travel around the center of the brushstroke when you paint with orbits. Increasing this value increases the size of the brushstroke.
As applied to the Dust & Scratch filter, sets the number of pixels surrounding the damaged area that are used to apply the filter.
A paletted color mode option that lets you specify a focus color for the paletted conversion. You can adjust the color and specify its importance to guide converting.
An image that has been rendered into pixels. When you convert vector graphic files to bitmap files, you create rasterized images.
To capture a two-dimensional image from a three-dimensional model.
To change the resolution and dimensions of a bitmap. Upsampling increases the size of the image; downsampling decreases the size of the image. Resampling with fixed resolution lets you maintain the resolution of the image by adding or subtracting pixels while varying the image size. Resampling with variable resolution keeps the number of pixels unchanged while changing the image size, resulting in lower or higher resolution than that of the original image.
The amount of detail that an image file contains, or that an input, output, or display device is capable of producing. Resolution is measured in dpi (dots per inch) or ppi (pixels per inch). Low resolutions can result in a grainy appearance; high resolutions can produce higher quality images but result in larger file sizes.
A color mode in which the three colors of light (red, green, and blue) are combined in varying intensities to produce all other colors. A value between 0 and 255 is assigned to each channel of red, green, and blue. Monitors, scanners, and the human eye use RGB to produce or detect color.
An interactive object or group of objects that changes its appearance when you click or point to it.
The conversion of a document saved in one file format, such as Portable Document Format (PDF), to another format, such as Corel DESIGNER (DES) and then back again.
The curved, double arrows in the corners of the highlighting box.
A horizontal or vertical bar marked off in units and used to determine the size and position of objects. By default, the rulers appear on the left side and along the top of the application window, but they can be hidden or moved.
The purity or vividness of a color, expressed as the absence of white. A color that has 100 percent saturation contains no white. A color with 0 percent saturation is a shade of gray.
A device that converts images on paper, transparency, or film to digital form. Scanners produce bitmaps or rasterized images.
The color of the first pixel that you click when you define a mask. This color is used by the tolerance value to set the sensitivity of the color detection in color masks.
The line or curve between nodes in a curve object.
The section of a path located between two consecutive nodes. A path is a series of segments.
An area of an image, also called editable area, that is not protected by a mask and that is, therefore, available for editing. The selection can be modified by painting and editing tools, special effects, and image commands.
An invisible rectangle with eight visible handles that appears around any object you select using the Pick tool.
A rarely used image map type that relies on a server to process image map information. It requires a separate map (*.map) file for the web server. Currently, most web browsers can process image maps, so client-side image maps are more common.
Uses the shape and size of the nib of the current tool as a cursor.
The straight, double-headed arrows located in the center of each side of the highlighting box.
In commercial printing, a solid ink color that prints individually, one plate per spot color.
In commercial printing, a type of trap that is created by extending the foreground object into the background object.
The sequence in which objects are created in the image window. This order determines the relationship between objects and, therefore, the appearance of your image. The first object you create appears on the bottom; the last object appears on the top.
A pen device, used in conjunction with a pen tablet, that allows you to draw paint strokes. A pressure-sensitive stylus allows you to vary your strokes with subtle changes in pressure.
A segment which is not joined to the main path.
A color model, such as CMYK, that creates color by subtracting wavelengths of light reflected from an object. For example, a colored ink appears blue if it absorbs all colors except blue.
To move an object in large increments by pressing Shift and an Arrow key. The super nudge value is multiplied by the nudge value to obtain the distance by which the object is moved.
See also nudge and micro nudge.
Hard drive space used by applications to artificially increase the amount of memory available in your computer.
One of a series of solid-colored patches used as a sample when selecting color. A printed booklet of swatches is called a swatchbook. Swatch also refers to the colors contained in the color palette.
A reusable object or group of objects. A symbol is defined once and can be referenced many times in an image.
The frame or web browser window in which a new webpage appears.
A way of describing light in terms of degrees Kelvin — lower values correspond to dim lighting conditions that cause an orange cast, such as candlelight or the light from an incandescent light bulb. Higher values correspond to intense lighting conditions that cause a blue cast, such as sunlight.
A fractally generated fill that, by default, fills an object or image area with one image instead of with a series of repeating images.
A level of tolerance for tonal variation in a bitmap.
A control available when you create a path from a mask. Threshold values range from 1 to 10 and determine the size of the angle required between two sections of a mask for a node to be created there. A low value produces more cusps, and therefore more nodes on the resulting path.
A miniature, low-resolution version of an image or illustration.
A control available when you create a path from a mask marquee. Tightness values range from 1 to 10 and determine how close the path’s shape will be to that of the marquee. The higher the value, the more the new path resembles the marquee; it will have more nodes than a path with a lower tightness value.
The technique of repeating a small image across a large surface. Tiling is often used to create a patterned background for webpages.
In photo editing, a tint often refers to a semitransparent color applied over an image. Also called a color cast.
In printing, a tint refers to a lighter shade of a color created with halftone screening — for example, a spot color.
See also halftone.
The distribution of pixels in a bitmap image from dark (a value of zero, indicating no brightness) to light (a value of 255, indicating full brightness). Pixels in the first third of the range are considered shadows, pixels in the middle third of the range are considered midtones, and pixels in the last third of the range are considered highlights. Ideally, the pixels in an image should be distributed across the entire tonal range. A histogram is an excellent tool for viewing and evaluating the tonal range of images.
The variations in a color or the range of grays between black and white.
The quality of an object that makes it easy to see through. Setting lower levels of transparency causes higher levels of opacity and less visibility of the underlying items or image.
See also opacity.
A term that refers to digital RGB color that is composed of 24 bits, or 16.7 million colors.
By using the TWAIN driver supplied by the manufacturer of the imaging hardware, Corel graphics applications can acquire images directly from a digital camera or scanner.
A type of fill used to apply one solid color to your image.
See also fill.
A character encoding standard that defines character sets for all written languages in the world by using a 16-bit code set and more than 65, 000 characters. Unicode lets you handle text effectively regardless of the language of the text, your operating system, or the application you are using.
URL (Uniform Resource Locator)
A unique address that defines where a webpage is located on the Internet.
An image generated from mathematical descriptions that determine the position, length, and direction in which lines are drawn. Vector graphics are created as collections of lines rather than as patterns of individual dots or pixels.
See also bitmap.
A small amount of random noise added to the luminance component of the image pixels which carries information about the image. This information survives normal editing, printing, and scanning.
The measurement of white on a color monitor that influences how highlights and contrast appear.
In image correction, the white point determines the brightness value that is considered white in a bitmap image. In Corel PHOTO-PAINT, you can set the white point to improve the contrast of an image. For example, in a histogram of an image, with a brightness scale of 0 (dark) to 255 (light), if you set the white point at 250, all pixels with a value greater than 250 are converted to white.
Windows Image Acquisition (WIA)
A standard interface and driver, created by Microsoft, for loading images from peripheral devices, such as scanners and digital cameras.
To reduce or magnify the view of a drawing. You can zoom in to see details or zoom out for a broader view.
A lossless file compression technique that results in smaller file size and faster processing time.
The features documented in the Help are available in the full version of CorelDRAW Graphics Suite 2021. Some features may not be available in this version of the product.