
As you create or edit an image, you can revert to its last-saved version to remove all the changes you made since you saved the image. If you want to remove only some changes, you can restore specific image areas to the way they look in the last-saved version of the image.

You can also create a checkpoint to save the current image temporarily, so that later you can return the image to that state if necessary.

You can also create a workspace that lets you save automatically using a checkpoint. For more information, see To specify auto-save settings.

To revert to the last saved version of an image

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Click File Revert to Saved.


You can also revert to the last saved image by clicking the Revert to last saved button in the History inspector.

To restore image areas

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1 In the toolbox, click the Clone tool .
2 On the property bar, open the Brush picker, choose the Clone from saved brush category , and choose a preset brush type.
3 Drag in the image window.


If you are creating an image from scratch, you must save it before using the Clone from saved tool.

To create or return to a checkpoint

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Do the following
Create a checkpoint
Click Edit Checkpoint.
Return to a checkpoint
Click Edit Restore to checkpoint.

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The features documented in the Help are available in the full version of CorelDRAW Graphics Suite 2021. Some features may not be available in this version of the product.