Spray images
You can paint with small-scale, full-color bitmaps, instead of a brush. For example, you can enhance landscapes by spraying clouds across the sky or foliage across the ground.
Corel PHOTO-PAINT includes a variety of images, which are used to create spraylists. You can load a preset spraylist, edit a preset, or create a spraylist by saving images in an image list. You can edit the source images at any time.
In this example, butterflies have been sprayed around the rose.
To spray images
In the toolbox, click the
Image sprayer tool
Choose a preset image list from the
Brush type list box on the property bar.
Type a value in the
Size box on the property bar.
Drag in the image window.
Choose the sequence of images in the spraylist
Choose an option from the Image sequence list box on the property bar.
Change the transparency of the spraylist images
Type a value in the Transparency box on the property bar.
To adjust the brushstroke transparency interactively, hold down Option, and click in the image window without releasing the mouse button to display a transparency slider.
Specify the number of images sprayed in each dab of the brush
Type a value in the Images per dab box on the property bar.
Specify the distance between dabs along the length of a stroke
Type a value in the Image spacing box on the property bar.
Specify the distance between dabs along the width of a brushstroke
Type a value in the Spread box on the property bar.
Change the rate at which paint fades in a brushstroke
Type a value in the Fade out box on the property bar. Negative numbers fade in while positive numbers fade out.
To load an image list
In the toolbox, click the
Image sprayer tool
Click the
Browse button
on the property bar.
Choose the folder where the image list is stored.
To create a spraylist
In the toolbox, click the
Image sprayer tool
Choose a preset image list from the
Brush type list box on the property bar.
Click the
Create spraylist button
on the property bar.
In the
Create spraylist dialog box, specify the contents of the spraylist.
To create an image list from selected objects
Using the
Pick tool, select the
objects you want to use as source images.
In the toolbox, click the
Image sprayer tool
On the property bar, click the
Save as image list button
, and click
Save objects as image list.
Choose the folder where you want to save the image list.
Type a filename in the
Save As box.
To create an image list from an image
In the toolbox, click the
Image sprayer tool
On the property bar, click the
Save as image list button
, and click
Save document as image list.
Type values in any of the following boxes:
Images per row — lets you specify the number of horizontal tiles in the image list
Images per column — lets you specify the number of vertical tiles in the image list
Number of images — lets you specify the number of images to include in the list
Choose the folder where you want to save the image list.
Type a filename in the
Save As box.
To edit a source image
In the toolbox, click the
Image sprayer tool
In the
Brush Settings inspector, click the flyout button
, and click
Edit current image list.
If the
Brush Settings inspector is not open, click
Window Inspectors Brush Settings.
If you want to overwrite the last version of the image list, click
File Save as, and click
Save in the
Save an image to disk dialog box.
After you edit an image list, you must reload it in the Image sprayer tool to activate the changes.