Texture transparency
You can use textures to create transparency effects. You can use existing textures, such as water, minerals, and clouds, or you can edit a texture to create your own texture transparency.
A texture transparency is applied to the object.
When you edit a texture, you can modify its parameters, such as softness, density, brightness, and colors. Parameters vary for each texture. You can also apply other transformations, such as mirror, resize, or offset the texture tiles. After you have edited a texture, you can save it for future use.
To apply a texture transparency
In the toolbox, click the
Object Transparency tool
On the property bar, click the
Texture transparency button
On the property bar, click the
Edit transparency button
In the
Edit transparency dialog box, choose a texture library from the
Texture library list box.
Choose a texture from the
Fill picker.
Perform an action from the following table.
Change the foreground transparency of the texture
Move the Foreground transparency slider.
Change the background transparency of the texture
Move the Background transparency slider.
Edit the texture parameters
Type values in the texture parameter boxes.
The parameters vary depending on the texture.
Preview random changes in the appearance of a selected texture
Click Randomize. Each time the button is clicked, random changes are made to unlocked parameters, and the modified texture is displayed in the Preview window.
Arrange the tiles so that alternating tiles are reflections of each other
Click Transformations, and click the Mirror tiles horizontally or the Mirror tiles vertically button .
Change the size of texture tiles
Click Transformations, and type values in the Transparency width and Transparency height boxes.
Move the center of the texture up, down, left, or right
Click Transformations, and type values in the X and Y boxes.
Rotate the texture at a specified angle
Click Transformations, and type a value in the Rotate box.
Slant the texture at a specified angle
Click Transformations, and type a value in the Skew box.
Specify a row or column offset as a percentage of the tile’s width or height
Click Transformations, and click the Row offset or the Column offset button . Type a value in the % of tile box.
Specify the bitmap resolution of the texture
Scroll to the Texture resolution and size area, click to expand it, and type a value in the Bitmap resolution box.
Click the Save texture button , and type a name in the Texture name box in the Save texture as dialog box. Choose a library from the Library name list box.