JPEG 2000 (JP2)
The JPEG 2000 (JP2) file format is a JPEG image with advanced compression and file data capabilities. JPEG 2000 standard files can store more descriptive file data (or metadata), such as dimensions, tone scale, color space, and intellectual property rights, than JPEG 2000 codestream files. Codestream files are optimized for network transmission since they resist bit errors that can cause data loss on low-bandwidth channels.
Not all web browsers support JPEG 2000 formats. You may require a plug-in to view these files.
You can mask an area of a JP2 image to define a region of interest (ROI). If you apply a lower compression setting to the ROI, you can improve the image quality of the area.
When you export the image to a JP2 file, you can choose to view download progression by resolution, quality, and position.
To import a JPEG 2000 file
Import command lets you place the file as an object in the active image. If you want to open the file as an image, click
Locate the folder in which the file is stored.
JP2 - JPEG 2000 Bitmaps (*.jp2; *.j2k) from the list box next to the
File name box.
Click the image window.
To export a JPEG 2000 bitmap
JP2 - JPEG 2000 bitmaps from the
Save as type list box.
Type a name in the
File name box.
Choose a
JPEG 2000 preset from the
Preset list list box in the upper-right corner of the dialog box.
If you want modify the preset settings, you can change the exporting options in the dialog box.
In the Settings area, choose a color mode from the Color mode list box.
In the Advanced area, enable the Embed color profile check box.
In the Settings area, choose a quality option from the Quality list box or type a value.
Set the JPEG 2000 download from low to high resolution so that the size of the entire image increases
In the Advanced area, choose Resolution\Quality from the Progression list box.
Set the JPEG 2000 download from the upper-left corner of the image to the lower-right corner
In the Advanced area, choose Resolution\Position from the Progression list box.
Set the JPEG 2000 download from the upper-left corner of the image to the lower-right corner
In the Advanced area, choose Position from the Progression list box.
Set the JPEG 2000 download progressively by color channel
In the Advanced area, choose Channels from the Progression list box.
Allow JPEG 2000 codestream
In the Advanced area, enable the Codestream check box.
JPEG 2000 (JP2) technical notes
Corel PHOTO-PAINT can import either JP2 or JPC files but save only to the JP2 format.