Merge modes

On computers, colors have numeric values, and merge modes let you perform mathematical calculations with these color values. Merge modes combine a source and a base color in an image to produce a new color or effect, called a result color. In some programs, merge modes are also known as blending modes.

For paint tools, merge modes alter the way brushstrokes combine with an image. For objects, merge modes alter the way the colors of an object combine with the background behind the object or with underlying objects.


Merge mode
Normal replaces the base color with the source color. This is the default merge mode.
Add adds the values of the source and base colors.
Subtract adds the values of the source and base colors and subtracts 255 from the result. Because this merge mode treats the color channels as subtractive, the result color is never lighter than the base color. For example, painting blue on white yields blue, and painting blue on black yields black.
Difference subtracts the source color value from the base color value and applies the absolute value of the result. If the value of the current source color is 0, the base color does not change.
Multiply multiplies the values of the source and base colors and divides the result by 255. Unless you paint on white, the final result is always darker than the original base color. Multiplying black with any color produces black. Multiplying white with any color leaves the color unchanged.
Divide divides the base color value by the source color value, and ensures that the result is less than or equal to 255.
If lighter replaces the base color with the source color when the source color is lighter than the base color.
If darker applies the source color to the base color when the source color is darker than the base color.
Texturize converts the source color to grayscale and multiplies the grayscale value by the base color value.
Color uses the hue and saturation values of the source color and the lightness value of the base color to create a result. This merge mode is the opposite of the Lightness merge mode.
Hue uses the hue value of the source color and the saturation and lightness values of the base color to create a result color.
Saturation uses the saturation value of the source color and the lightness and hue values of the base color to create a result color.
Lightness uses the lightness value of the source color and the hue and saturation values of the base color to create a result color. This merge mode is the opposite of the Color merge mode.
Invert creates a result color using the complementary color to the source color. This merge mode inverts the value of the current source color and applies the inverted value to the base color. If the value of the source color is 127, the color does not change, because this value lies in the center of the color wheel.
Logical AND applies the Boolean algebraic formula "AND" to the source and base color values.
Logical OR applies the Boolean algebraic formula "OR" to the source and base color values.
Logical XOR applies the Boolean algebraic formula "XOR", or exclude, to the source and base color values.
Behind applies the source color to those areas of the image that are transparent. The effect is similar to looking through the clear, silver-free areas on a 35-mm negative.
Screen inverts the source and base color values, multiplies them, and then inverts the result. The result color is always lighter than the base color.
Overlay multiplies or screens the source color according to the value of the base color.
Soft light applies a soft, diffused light to the base color.
Hard light applies a hard, direct spotlight to the base color.
Color dodge simulates the photographic technique called dodging, which lightens image areas by decreasing the exposure.
Color burn simulates the photographic technique called burning, which darkens image areas by increasing the exposure.
Red applies the source color to the red channel of an RGB image. This merge mode is available only when the active image is an RGB image.
Green applies the source color to the green channel of an RGB image. This merge mode is available only when the active image is an RGB image.
Blue applies the source color to the blue channel of an RGB image. This merge mode is available only when the active image is an RGB image.
Cyan applies the source color to the cyan channel of a CMYK image. This merge mode is available only when the active image is a CMYK image.
Magenta applies the source color to the magenta channel of a CMYK image. This merge mode is available only when the active image is a CMYK image.
Yellow applies the source color to the yellow channel of a CMYK image. This merge mode is available only when the active image is a CMYK image.
Black applies the source color to the black channel of a CMYK image. This merge mode is available only when the active image is a CMYK image.

In addition, the Pass through merge mode is available for grouped objects. The Pass through merge mode allows the merge modes of individual objects within a group to affect how their colors blend with underlying objects. For more information, see Merge modes for grouped objects.

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