Displaying and customizing the Brush Selector

The Brush Selector lets you choose a brush library, select a brush from a brush category, and browse additional brush packs that can complement your creative set of brushes.

Circled numbers correspond to the numbers in the following table, which describes the main components of the Brush Selector.


1. Last Used Brush
Lets you access the previously used brush variant
2. Brush Selector Bar
Lets you access the Brush Selector flyout
3. Mark as Favorite
Lets you mark the selected brush as favorite
4. Brush Library Selector
Lets you choose a brush library
5. Brush Pack Promotions bar
Lets you access the Brush Pack Selector and purchase brush packs
6. Brush library options button
Lets you access commands that help you organize and display brushes in various ways
7. Brush Pack Selector
Lets you browse the available brush packs
8. Filter Brushes button
Lets you apply brush filters to show only the brushes you need
9. Brush categories
Lets you browse all categories in a brush library. Brush categories are groups of similar brushes and media.
10. Brush variants
Lets you browse the brush variants in a category. Brush variants are specific brushes and brush settings within a brush category.
11. Layer compatibility icons
Lets you identify and search for brush variants that are compatible with the Default, Liquid Ink, Thick Paint, or Watercolor layers

The Brush Selector is also available as a floating panel that you can keep open to access brushes quickly and easily while you are painting. The Brush Selector panel has two viewing modes: compact and full view. In full view, both the brush categories and variants are displayed. In compact view, only the brush variants are displayed, which lets you see more brushes at a glance without the need to scroll. For more information about grouping, resizing, and docking panels, see Rearranging panels and palettes.

(left) Brush Selector panel in compact view; (right) Brush Selector panel in full view

The Brush Selector allows you to organize and display brushes in various ways. For example, you can filter brushes to show only the brushes you need. You can also show or hide Brush Selector parts to suit your workflow. For example, you can show or hide the Brush Library Selector, recently used brushes, brush pack promotions, and more.

The Brush Selector also lets you instantly identify which brush variants are compatible with the Default, Liquid Ink, Thick Paint, and Watercolor layers. When you hover over a brush variant, eligible layer compatibility icons appear beside the brush name at the bottom of the Brush Selector. Clicking a layer compatibility icon lets you find all brush variants that paint on this layer.

You can resize and move the Brush Selector.

To show or hide the Brush Selector

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Perform a task from the following table.


To show or hide
Do the following
The Brush Selector bar
Choose Window Brush Selector Bar.
The Brush Selector panel in full view
Choose Window Brush Selector Panel (Full View).
The Brush Selector panel in compact view
Choose Window Brush Selector Panel (Compact).


You can close the Brush Selector bar and Brush Selector panel by clicking the Close button on the header bar.

To show or hide brush filters

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In the Brush Selector, click the Filter Brushes button to show or hide the list of available brush filters.


The Filter Brushes button is disabled when you display the brush pack promotions. You can show only the brush filters or brush pack promotions at a time.

To show or hide the Brush Pack Promotions bar

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In the Brush Selector, click the Brush library options button , and choose Show Brush Pack Promotions.

To show or hide brush pack promotions

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In the Brush Selector, click the Brush Pack Selector button to display or hide the list of brush pack promotions.


This feature is available only when the Brush Selector is in full view.

The Brush Pack Selector button appears only when you hide the list of brush filters.

To show or hide the Brush Library Selector

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In the Brush Selector, click the Brush library options button , and choose Show Brush Library Selector.

To show or hide recently used brushes

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In the Brush Selector, click the Brush library options button , and choose Show Recent Brushes.


This feature is available only when the Brush Selector is in full view.

The list of recently used brushes includes only brushes from the currently selected brush library. Switching to a different brush library clears the most recently used brushes list.

To show or hide the dab and stroke preview window

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In the Brush Selector, click the Brush library options button , and choose Show Dab and Stroke Preview.


This feature is available only when the Brush Selector is in full view.

To show or hide the layer compatibility icons

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In the Brush Selector, click the Brush library options button , and choose Compatible Layers.


The layer compatibility icons are displayed by default but you can hide them.


Click a Layer compatibility icon to search for all brushes that are compatible with the Default , Liquid Ink , Thick Paint , and Watercolor layers.

To modify the display of brush categories and variants

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In the Brush Selector, perform a task from the following table.


Do the following
Modify the display of brush categories
Click the Brush library options button , choose Category Display, and choose one of the following:
Categories as Icons
Categories as List
Modify the display of brush variants
Click the Brush library options button , choose Variant Display, and choose one of the following:
Show Dab Preview
Show List
Show Stroke Preview
Sort Variants
Hide a brush category
Right-click a brush category, and choose Hide Category.
Hide a brush variant
Right-click a brush variant, and choose Hide Variant.
Show all previously hidden brush categories
Click the Brush library options button , choose Category Display, and choose Show All Categories.
Show all previously hidden brush variants
Click the Brush library options button , choose Variant Display, and choose Show All Variants.
Customize a brush category or brush variant icon
Right-click a brush category or variant, and choose Set Custom Icon. Choose the drive and folder where the image is stored. Click the image file and click Open.

To resize the Brush Selector

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Point to the edge of the panel. When the cursor changes to a double-sided arrow, drag the edge of the panel to resize it.


By default, when group labels are displayed, the height of the Brush Selector bar is the same as that of the property bar. However, if you want to make it more compact, you can change its height. For more information, see Interface preferences.

To move the Brush Selector

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Perform a task from the following table.


Do the following
Move the Brush Selector panel
Drag the Brush Selector header bar to a new location in the application window.
Dock the Brush Selector bar
Drag the Brush Selector header bar to the edge of the application window or a panel. The bar snaps into place.

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