Setting channel attributes
You can change the appearance of channels by modifying their display attributes, which helps to distinguish one channel from another. These attributes do not affect the function of the channel; they affect only how the channel displays in the document window.
Corel Painter names new channels incrementally: Alpha 1, Alpha 2, and so on. Renaming a channel makes it easier to find a specific channel, especially if you have several in the document.
To set channel attributes
In the
Channels panel, choose a channel from the list.
Click the Channel options button

, and choose
Channel Attributes.
In the
Channel Attributes dialog box, move the
Opacity slider to set the channel display strength.
Click the
Color chip, and choose a display color in the
Color dialog box.
If you want to see the color overlay in grayscale, choose black.
A channel is easiest to use as an overlay when its color contrasts strongly with the predominant hue of the RGB image. You might want to use a different color for each channel.
Enable one of the following options to specify where the color overlay displays:
If you want to rename the channel, type a name in the
Name box.

If you want the channel displayed at its full intensity, move the Opacity slider to 100%. Choose a lower value to display the channel more transparently so you can follow the underlying RGB image as you edit the channel.