Digital Watercolor

Digital Watercolor brush variants produce watercolor effects that react with the canvas texture. Unlike Watercolor brush variants, which work with the Watercolor Layer, Digital Watercolor brushstrokes can be applied directly to any standard pixel-based layers, including the canvas. For example, if you’re applying watercolor effects to a photo, Digital Watercolor brushstrokes can be applied directly to the image. If you’re creating a realistic watercolor from scratch, the Real Watercolor or Watercolor brush variants allow colors to flow, mix, and absorb more realistically. For more information, see Real Watercolor controls and Digital Watercolor controls.

The width of Digital Watercolor brushstrokes is affected by stylus pressure, with the exception of the Wet Eraser brush variant.


Broad Water Brush

Coarse Dry Brush

Coarse Mop Brush

Coarse Water

Fine Tip Water

Gentle Wet Eraser

New Simple Diffuser

New Simple Water

Bristle Pure Water


Jittery Water Diffuser

Soft Round Blender

Spatter Water

Speckle Coarse Dry Brush

Stencil Flow Map - Grainy

Tapered Diffuse Water

Watercolor Sponge

Wet Eraser

Wet Speckle

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