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Working with reference layers

Reference layers get their image content from an external source — either a pixel-based layer in the current document or a separate file. They provide a low-resolution representation of the original image that you can quickly manipulate in ways that would otherwise require more time. Working with a reference layer allows you to resize, rotate, or slant a layer onscreen by dragging its handles. The changes are immediately displayed in the document window. When you finish making changes, you can commit the reference layer back to a standard layer. Corel Painter examines the source image to restore the original resolution.

You cannot edit the image data in a reference layer. If you try to paint on or apply effects to a reference layer, Corel Painter prompts you to commit it back to a pixel-based layer.

You can create a reference layer by basing it on an existing layer or by placing an image. For more information, see Opening and placing files.

To create a reference layer Back to Top
To modify a reference layer Back to Top


Drag a corner handle. If you want to maintain the layer proportions, hold down Shift as you drag. The pointer changes when you position it over a corner handle .
Hold down Command (macOS) or Ctrl (Windows), and drag a corner handle. The pointer changes when you position it over a corner handle .
Hold down Command (macOS) or Ctrl (Windows), and drag a side handle. The pointer changes when you position it over a side handle .
To commit a reference layer Back to Top

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