Working with sound in a slide show
You can add WAVE (WAV) and MIDI (MID) sound files to your slides. You can only play one MIDI and one WAVE file at the same time. You cannot play two sound files of the same type simultaneously.
In the procedure below, you will learn how to insert a MIDI sound file into a slide show.
To insert a MIDI sound file into a slide
- File menu

Choose the drive and folder where you downloaded the Multimedia sample file.
- Open the Multimedia sample file.
- Click on the Slide 1: Thomas Inc. tab.
- Click Insert menu
- In the Slide properties dialog box, click the Sound tab.
- Beside the MIDI box, click the Browse button
- Choose the drive and folder where the sound is stored.
For example, C:\My Documents
- Type Shrt_08 in the Filename box.
- Click Open.
- Enable the Save within slide show document check box.
Saving the sound with the slide show ensures that the sound is available whenever you play the slide show.
- In the Sound files and settings area, adjust the volume of the sound file.
- In the Sound files and settings area, click the Play sound button.
- Click OK.
In the procedure below, you will learn how to insert a WAVE sound file into a slide show.
To insert a WAVE sound file into a slide
- Click Insert menu
- In the Slide properties dialog box, click the Sound tab.
- Beside the Sound box, click the Browse button
- Choose the drive and folder where the sound is stored.
For example, C:\My Documents
- In the Filename box, type 3bells.
- Click Open.
- Enable the Save within slide show document check box.
Saving the sound with the slide show ensures that the sound is available whenever you play the slide show.
- Enable the Loop sound checkbox.
Enables you to play the sound continuously throughout the slide show, or until another sound begins.
- In the Sound files and settings area, adjust the volume of the sound file.
- In the Sound files and settings area, click the Play sound button.
- Click OK.
To play a slide show automatically
- Click Format menu
Slide properties
Display sequence
- Click the Display sequence tab.
- In the Display next slide area, enable the After a delay option.
This option automatically advances slides with a specified amount of time between each one. The delay option you select also applies to animated bulleted lists and objects on the slide.
- Type 2 in the Seconds box.
- Click OK.