Applying sound to a bulleted list
Bulleted lists inserted on an unformatted slide and bulleted lists on a bulleted list slide have different properties. If you create a bulleted list on an unformatted slide, the list is treated as an object; therefore, you can animate the entire list but not individual list items.
In the procedure below, you will learn how to apply sound to a bulleted list.
To apply sound to a bulleted list
- Click on the Slide 2: Thomas Inc. tab.
- Double-click the bulleted list.
- Right-click the list, and select Bulleted list propeties.
- Click the Bullet animation tab.
- In the Sound area, click the Browse button
- In the Open file dialog box, choose the drive and the folder where the sound file is stored. For example, C:\My Documents
- In the Filename box, type glup.
- Click Open.
- Enable the Display one at a time check box.
- Adjust the volume of the sound file.
Move the slider to the left to decrease the volume, or move it to the right to increase the volume.
- Click OK.
To play a slide show automatically
- Click Format menu
Slide properties
Display sequence
- Click the Display sequence tab.
- In the Display next slide area, enable the After a delay option.
- In the Seconds box, type 2.
- Click OK.
- Click on the Slide 1: Thomas Inc. tab.
- Click the QuickPlay tab on the right side of your screen.