Pages and layout tools


CorelDRAW lets you specify the size, orientation, unit of scale, and background of the drawing page. You can customize and display page grids and guidelines to help you organize objects and place them exactly where you want. For example, if you are designing a newsletter, you can set the dimensions of the pages and create guidelines for positioning columns and heading text. When you are laying out an advertisement, you can align graphics and text along guidelines and arrange graphic elements within a grid. Rulers can help you position grids, guidelines, and objects along a scale that uses units of your choice. Also, you can add and delete pages.

Page layout settings and tools are fully customizable and can be used as defaults for other drawings.

This section contains the following topics:

The features documented in the Help are available in the full version of CorelDRAW Graphics Suite 2019. Some features may not be available in this version of the product.

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