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Applying texture fills

A texture fill is a randomly generated fill that you can use to give your objects a natural appearance. CorelDRAW provides preset textures, and each texture has a set of options that you can change. You can use colors from any color model or palette to customize texture fills. Texture fills can hold only RGB colors; however, other color models and palettes can be used as a reference to select colors. For information about color models, see Understanding color models.

You can change the tile size of texture fills. Increasing the resolution of a texture tile increases the accuracy of the fill. You can also specify exactly where these fills begin by setting the tile origin. CorelDRAW also lets you offset tiles in a fill. Adjusting the horizontal or vertical position of the first tile, relative to the top of the object, affects the rest of the fill.

You can rotate, skew, adjust the tile size, and change the center of the texture to create a custom fill.

If you want a texture fill to change according to the actions you perform on the filled object, you can specify that you want the fill to transform with the object. For example, if you enlarge an object filled with a texture that transforms, the texture becomes larger instead of increasing the number of tiles.

Texture fills are powerful features that can enhance a drawing. However, they also increase the size of a file and the time it takes to print, so you may want to use them in moderation.

To apply a texture fill Back to Top
Select an object.
In the toolbox, click the Texture fill button .
Choose a texture library from the Texture library list box.
Choose a texture from the Texture list.

You can also
Create a custom texture fill
Specify the settings you want in the Style name area.
Change the size of texture tiles
Click Tiling, and type values in the Width and Height boxes.
Set the tile origin of a texture fill
Click Tiling, and type values in the X and Y boxes in the Origin area.
Offset the tile origin of a texture fill
Click Tiling, and enable the Row or Column option. Type an amount of offset in the % of tile size box.
Rotate a texture fill
Click Tiling, and type a value in the Rotate box.
Skew a texture fill
Click Tiling, and type a value in the Skew box.
Mirror a texture fill
Click Tiling, and enable the Mirror fill check box.

You can modify the texture you choose from the texture library and save it to another library, but you cannot save textures to or overwrite textures in the texture library.
You can remove texture tiling by typing “0” in the X and Y boxes in the Origin area.
You can save a custom texture fill by clicking the plus sign (+) in the Texture fill dialog box and typing a name in the Texture name box.

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