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Sizing and scaling objects

CorelDRAW lets you size and scale objects. In both cases, you change the dimensions of an object proportionally by preserving its aspect ratio. You can change the dimensions of an object by specifying values or by changing the object directly. When you scale an object, you change its dimensions by a specified percentage.

You can change the anchor point of an object from its center to any of its eight selection handles.

To size an object Back to Top

Size a selected object
Drag any of the corner selection handles.
Size a selected object from its center
Hold down Shift, and drag one of the corner selection handles.
Size a selected object to a multiple of its original size
Hold down Ctrl, and drag one of the corner selection handles.
Stretch and size a selected object simultaneously
Hold down Alt, and drag one of the corner selection handles.

You can also set a precise size for the object by typing values in the Object size boxes on the property bar.
You can also size an object by clicking Arrange Transformations Size and then typing values in the Transformation docker.
To scale an object Back to Top
Select an object.
Do one of the following:
In the toolbox, click the Free transform tool .
Click Window Toolbars Transform.
Click the Free scale button on the property bar.
Type a percentage by which you want to scale the object in the Scale factor boxes on the property bar.

You can also
Apply the scaling according to the object’s position rather than the x and y coordinates
Click the Relative to object button on the property bar.
Scale an object using the Transformation docker
Click Window Dockers Transformations Scale.
Leave the original object unchanged and apply the transformation to a copy
In the Transformation docker, type a number in the Copies box.

You can also scale an object by dragging a corner selection handle.

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