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Exporting objects with transparent colors and backgrounds

CorelDRAW lets you export palette-based bitmaps, such as paletted GIF or 8-bit PNG, with transparent colors and backgrounds. These bitmaps can contain objects, such as buttons and logos, which are commonly used on Web pages with colored or patterned backgrounds.

If you place an object with an opaque background onto a Web page, the object background color appears as a rectangle on the page. By making an object background transparent, the object background blends in with the page. Transparent object backgrounds also let you change the color or pattern of a Web page background without having to change the backgrounds of the objects to match.

You can create a GIF with a transparent background to use on a Web page.

To save a bitmap with a transparent background Back to Top
From the Export for Web dialog box, choose a paletted file format, such as GIF or 8-bit PNG, from the Format list box.
Perform one or more tasks from the following table.

Do the following
Make the background of the object transparent
In the Settings area, enable the Transparency check box.
Make a selected color transparent
Click the Eyedropper on the toolbar, and then click the image to choose a color. In the Settings area, click the Make the selected color transparent button .
Apply a matte color to the object’s background to help blend the edges of anti-aliased objects
In the Settings area, open the Matte color picker, and click a color.

For best results, choose None from the Dithering list box in the Settings area.

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