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Formatting Asian text

Asian character input is supported in CorelDRAW only when using an appropriate operating system or when language support is installed on a non-Asian operating system. You can choose a default font and text orientation (either horizontal or vertical) when typing text. When you type artistic or paragraph text, the program uses a default artistic or paragraph text style.

To choose a default font for Asian text Back to Top
Click the Text tool .
Press Esc to ensure that no objects are selected.
Choose an input method from the Input Method Editor (IME) on the Windows status bar.
If the Windows Language bar is displayed, you can choose an input method from the Language bar.
Choose a font from the Font list box on the property bar.
Choose a font style from the Font style list box.
To choose a text orientation for Asian text Back to Top
Using the Pick tool , select the frame that contains the text whose orientation you want to change.
Click Window Dockers Object properties.
In the Object properties docker, click the Frame button to display the frame- related controls.
Choose one of the following orientation options from the Text orientation list box:
The default orientation for Asian text is horizontal.
When you change the text orientation from horizontal to vertical, underlines become left lines and overlines become right lines.
The text orientation setting applies to the entire text object. You cannot have text with different orientations in one text object.
If you have Asian text support installed with your operating system, you can also change text orientation by clicking the Vertical text orientation or Horizontal text orientation buttons on the Text toolbar.

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