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Inserting and editing QR codes

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A Quick Response (QR) code is a type of barcode that represents information in two dimensions. Typically, QR codes consist of black dots (also called “pixels”) arranged in a square pattern and displayed against a white background. They also contain several markers — three larger squares in the corners, as well as one or more smaller squares in the interior of the code pattern. QR codes are known for their fast readability and can store information such as Web site addresses, phone numbers, and messages.

An example of a QR code

With the widespread use of smartphones, QR codes have become popular in consumer advertising and packaging. By using a QR code, you can quickly access the brand’s Web site on your smartphone for more information about a product.

After you create a QR code, you can use the Object properties docker to customize the pixel fill, the background fill, the pixel outline, as well as the pixel shape and corner roundness. When you customize the shape of the pixels, the markers remain unchanged to maintain the readability of the code. You can also specify the margin around the QR code or weld the pixels together.

A QR code with customized pixel shapes and added text. The markers remain unchanged.

Visual effects, logos, or text added to a QR code can give it an artistic look but may be considered errors by scanners. You can use the error correction settings to minimize the possibility of error when scanning the QR code. For example, if part of the pixel pattern is covered by a graphic or text, the error correction duplicates some of the hidden data so that this data can be recovered. Four levels of error correction are available. Higher correction levels duplicate a higher percentage of the information, which may limit the amount of new information a QR code can store. This may be a problem for QR codes that are approaching, or already contain, the maximum amount of information before high error correction is applied. In that case, you are prompted to reduce either the correction level or the amount of data in the QR code.

You can move, resize, scale, and align the QR code like any other object. For more information, see Working with objects.

With QR codes, you can use styles to control the appearance of the fill, outline, and other properties. For more information, see Working with styles and style sets. You can also change the default look of QR codes by modifying the default object properties. For more information, see Managing default object properties.

After inserting and formatting a QR code, you can validate it to make sure that it can be read by QR code readers and scanners.

To insert a QR code Back to Top
Click Edit Insert QR code.
In the Object properties docker, choose one of the following options from the QR code type list box:
URL — lets you specify a URL for a Web site
Email address — lets you specify an email address if you want to use the QR code to generate a blank email
Phone number — lets you specify a phone number for the QR code. Depending on the QR reader that you use, scanning the code can initiate, with your permission, dialing the phone number on smartphones.
SMS — lets you include a Short Message Service (SMS) message by typing a phone number and message text. With your permission, the QR reader can initiate sending the SMS message to the specified phone number.
Contact — lets you specify contact information in vCard or meCard format. From the Contact card type list box, choose vCard or meCard, and type the contact information in the appropriate boxes. With your permission, this contact information can be automatically added to the address book on your phone.
Calendar event — lets you schedule an event by specifying a name, location, start date/time, and end date/time for the event. With your permission, the event can be added to your calendar.
Geo location — lets you show a geographic location by specifying latitude and longitude values
Plain text — lets you include plain (unformatted) text
To edit a QR code Back to Top
Double-click the QR code.
In the Object properties docker, perform any of the following tasks.

Do the following
Apply a fill to the pixels of the QR code
Choose a fill type from the Pixel fill type list box, and then choose a fill from the Pixel fill color picker.
If you want to customize the fill, click the Pixel fill settings button next to the pixel color picker, and specify the fill settings.
Apply a fill to the background
Choose a fill type from the Background fill type list box, and then choose a fill from the Background fill color picker.
If you want to customize the fill, click the Background fill settings button next to the background color picker, and specify the fill settings.
Specify the pixel outline width and color
Type a value in the Pixel outline width box, and then choose a color from the Pixel outline color picker.
If you want to customize the outline, click the Pixel outline settings button next to the outline color picker, and specify the outline settings.
Specify the margin around the QR code
Type a value in the Margin box.
Choose a pixel shape
Choose a shape from the Pixel shape picker.
To set the percentage of fill on the pixels, type a value in the Pixel fill factor box.

When editing the fill, make sure that there is high contrast between the pixels and the background to avoid errors in scanning the code.
To apply advanced QR code settings Back to Top
Double-click a QR code.
In the Object properties docker, click the arrow button at the bottom of the QR code section to expand it, and perform any of the following tasks.

Do the following
Weld pixels
Enable the Weld pixels check box.
Set the error correction level
Choose an option from the Error correction level list box to specify what percentage of the information used in a QR code can be restored if lost:
Low — restores 7% of the information
Medium — restores 15% of the information
Quartile — restores 25% of the information
High — restores 30% of the information
Set the corner roundness of the pixels
Type a value in the Pixel roundness box.

To validate a QR code Back to Top
Double-click the QR code.
In the Object properties docker, click Validate.

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