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Using Corel Content

You can use Corel Content as you would any other content that you find with Corel CONNECT. You can open or edit a file before incorporating it in your document, and you can insert and place content in your document. For more information, see Using content.

You can also store content in trays for future use. For more information, see Managing content.

Corel Content may be subject to usage restrictions. For example, when you have not signed in or do not have the required membership, you can access only low-resolution, watermarked content known as “comp images.”

You can replace a comp image with the actual content, and you can open the source of a comp image from the Corel Content library. Inserting comp images can be useful for layout tasks. However, editing a comp image is not recommended because its appearance may change when you replace it. For best results, use the actual content instead.

To replace a comp image Back to Top
In your document, right-click a comp image, click Replace comp, and enable one of the following options in the Replace comp dialog box:
Replace comp with the actual content — replaces the comp image with its watermark-free source
Replace comp with content — lets you navigate to the file that you want to use as replacement
To view the source of a comp image Back to Top
In your document, right-click a comp image, and click Open comp source.

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