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Working with fills

There are a number of tasks that are common to all types of fills. You can choose a default fill color so that every object that you add to a drawing has the same fill. You can also remove a fill, copy it to another object, or use it to fill an area surrounded by an open curve.

To choose a default fill color Back to Top
Click a blank area on the drawing page to deselect all objects.
In the toolbox, click the Uniform fill button .
In the Change document defaults dialog box, enable the check boxes for the types of objects whose default fill you want to change.
In the Uniform fill dialog box, specify any fill settings.
You can also change the default fill color by editing the default style sets in the Styles docker. For more information, see Managing default object properties.
To remove a fill Back to Top
Select an object.
Click Edit Object properties.
In the Objects properties docker, click the No fill button .
You can also remove a fill by clicking the Fill flyout in the toolbox, and then clicking the No fill button .
To copy a fill to another object Back to Top
Using the Pick tool , select the object from which you want to copy the fill.
With the right mouse button, drag the first object over the destination object, to which you want to apply the fill.
A blue outline of the first object follows the pointer to the destination object.
When the pointer changes to a crosshair pointer , release the mouse button, and choose Copy fill here from the context menu.
You can also use the Attributes eyedropper tool to copy a fill. For more information, see To copy fill, outline, or text properties from one object to another.
You can also sample the color of an existing object and apply the sampled color to another object as a uniform fill. For more information, see To sample a color.
To show fills in open curves Back to Top
Click Tools Options.
In the list of categories, double-click Document, and click General.
Enable the Fill open curves check box.

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