Tracking project time

To track time spent on a project

To add, activate, delete, modify, or move a task

To edit the active task

To create a time sheet report

To adjust Project Timer settings

To respond to the Inactivity prompt

The Project Timer (View Toolbars Project Timer) lets you track the time spent on a project with ease. To fine-tune the tracking records, you can add tasks and track the time spent on each task. You can give a task a meaningful name, and you can edit a task log by resetting the counter or specifying the task duration and start and finish date.

Tracking information is saved with the document and is easily accessible. In addition, you can save the tracking records as Comma-Separated Values (CSV) or text (TXT) files that can be opened and formatted in a spreadsheet application to create time sheet reports.

Additional settings are available to help you customize Project Timer to match your workflow. You can set automation preferences, specify whether and how to track inactivity, and simplify the Project Timer toolbar even more by hiding UI elements.

The Project Timer toolbar appears next to the standard toolbar.

The arrow on the Project Timer toolbar lets you show and hide the Project Timer panel, where you can add and edit tasks and access various settings.

To track time spent on a project Back to Top
To add, activate, delete, modify, or move a task Back to Top


Click New.
The task list shows the task as Active to indicate that this is now the task that you are tracking.
Click the Recorded time field twice, and specify the amount of time you want.
Click twice the Dates field of the task, and specify the start and finish time and dates you want.
To edit the active task Back to Top

You can reset the timer for the active task. You can also change the task start or finish time and date, or you can change the task duration.


Click Reset counter.
Click Edit task, and do any of the following:
To create a time sheet report Back to Top

You can save the tracking information as a CSV or TXT file, and you can then open and format the file in Microsoft Excel or other spreadsheet applications.

To adjust Project Timer settings Back to Top

With the help of the Project Timer Settings dialog box, you can set Project Timer to start or pause tracking automatically in response to specific actions or changes. In addition, inactivity settings help you decide how to treat periods of time when the project is open but there are no recorded document changes. For example, you can set Project Timer to display a prompt or pause tracking after a specified time of inactivity. You can also customize the Project Timer toolbar by displaying and hiding controls.


In the Automation area, enable any of the following check boxes below Start recording when:
In the Inactivity detection area, choose one of the following options from the On inactivity list box:
In the Inactivity tolerance box, type a value.
To respond to the Inactivity prompt Back to Top

If no changes are made to the document for some time, by default Project Timer prompts you to decide how to track this time of inactivity. The prompt is displayed as soon as the inactivity tolerance time elapses.

The Custom Activity Log dialog box


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