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Fitting text to a path

After you create a path, you can fit text to it to place text along a line or shape. After you fit text to a path, you can adjust the position of the text in relation to the path. For example, you can place text on the inside or outside of the path, or you can adjust the distance between text and a path.

You can render text as an object to separate it from a path; the text retains the shape of the path to which it was fitted. You can also straighten text to separate it from the path without retaining the path shape. For more information about creating paths, see Creating paths.

To fit text to a path Back to Top


You can also fit text to a path by clicking the Text tool , moving the pointer over a path, and clicking where you want the text to begin. When you move the pointer over the path, the pointer changes. This change indicates that you can now click and type.

You can create text along a path.

To adjust the position of text fitted to a path Back to Top


You can also adjust text by selecting the text with the Object pick tool , choosing a mode from the property bar, and dragging the selection handles in the image window.

To render text as an object Back to Top


You can render the text as an editable area by selecting the text object with the Text tool , and clicking the Create mask button on the property bar. This produces a text-shaped editable area that you can modify.

To straighten text Back to Top


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