Using the Picture Tube tool

You can use the Picture Tube tool to paint with a collection of objects. For example, you can add butterflies and beetles to a picnic setting or frame a picture with flowers. You can use one of the picture tubes included with Corel PaintShop Pro or create your own.

The Picture Tube tool lets you apply various preset images to your photos to create unique effects.

Picture tubes are PspTube files. Each picture tube file is made up of a series of images arranged in rows and columns, called cells. Picture tubes may have any number of cells. As you paint with the Picture Tube tool, Corel PaintShop Pro paints one image from the picture tube after another. Many picture tubes create discrete images (such as zoo animals), and others create the effect of a continuous image (such as grass).

Each picture tube file contains a series of images.

To make picture tube elements easier to edit, it is helpful to paint them on a separate layer.

Important! You cannot use the Picture Tube tool on vector layers.

Where can I get more picture tubes?

You can create your own picture tubes. You can use picture tubes from a previous version of the application. For more information, see To use picture tubes from previous versions of the application.

You can also download free picture tubes from the Web by checking the Corel website ( or by using the keyword phrase "free picture tubes" in an online search engine.

Important! This tool works only on raster layers in grayscale and 16 million–color images. Using this tool on a 256-color or lower raster image automatically promotes the image to the appropriate color depth. To convert a vector layer to a raster layer, choose Layers Convert to Raster Layer. For more information about increasing the color depth of an image, see Increasing the color depth of an image.

Picture Tube settings

When you click the Settings button on the Tool Options palette, the Picture Tube Settings dialog box appears. You can use this dialog box to update the current Tool Options palette settings and to modify the look of the current picture tube. However, you can also make the settings permanent by marking the Save as default for this Picture Tube option.

To paint with a picture tube Back to Top

Edit workspace 


You can make further changes to the behavior of the current picture tube by clicking the Settings button on the Tool Options palette and adjusting settings in the Picture Tube Settings dialog box.

To create a picture tube Back to Top

Edit workspace 


You can make further changes to the behavior of the current picture tube by clicking the Settings button on the Tool Options palette and adjusting settings in the Picture Tube Settings dialog box.

If you want to use one image as a paint brush, export the image as a picture tube. Use a cell arrangement of one cell across by one cell down. The image must contain one raster layer that is not the background. To promote the background to a layer, choose Layers Promote Background Layer. Choose the Picture Tube tool, and select the new picture tube you created.

To use picture tubes from previous versions of the application Back to Top

Edit workspace 

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