Cutting, copying, and pasting

You can select an entire image, part of an image, or an entire layer, and cut it or copy it to the Clipboard. You can then paste the Clipboard content into the same image or another image, or into another application, such as an e-mail program or word processor. The basic commands for cutting, copying, and pasting are as follows:

You can cut or copy a selection, layer, or vector object. You can paste the selected content as a new image, a new layer, or a selection.

You can also copy a Corel PaintShop Pro image into other applications, such as word-processing or desktop-publishing applications. For information about exporting Corel PaintShop Pro files to other formats, see Saving images.

Why does the pasted image look out of proportion?

When you paste data into another image, the data keeps its original pixel dimensions. If one image is much larger or smaller than the other, the pasted content may look out of proportion. After you paste the selection, you can use the Pick tool to scale the pasted content. For more information about using the Pick tool to correct perspective, see Scaling and transforming photos using the Pick tool.

You can also resize the two images to make them a similar size before copying and pasting. For more information, see Resizing images.

To cut a selection, layer, or vector object Back to Top

Edit workspace 


You can also cut by pressing Ctrl + X.

To copy a selection, layer, or vector object Back to Top

Edit workspace 


You can also press Ctrl + C to copy the active layer, or Ctrl + Shift + C to copy merged layers.

To paste content as a new image Back to Top

Edit workspace 


You can also paste as a new image by pressing Ctrl + Shift + V.

To paste content as a new layer Back to Top

Edit workspace 


You can also paste a new layer by pressing Ctrl + V, or Ctrl + L.

To paste content as a selection Back to Top

Edit workspace 


Select the background color on the Materials palette before you paste.


To paste a vector object, choose Edit Paste As New Vector Selection.

To copy a multilayer image to the Clipboard Back to Top

Edit workspace 

To empty the Clipboard Back to Top

Edit workspace 

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