Scaling and transforming photos using the Pick tool

The Pick tool lets you transform images interactively in the following ways:

When you transform an image, the transformations are applied to the layer on which the image resides. You can apply transformations to any raster layer or selection.

Setting scaling and transformation options

You can precisely control many of the deform settings. The following options appear on the Tool Options palette when the Pick tool is active:

Important! The Pick tool works on grayscale and 16 million– color images only. For more information about increasing the color depth of an image, see Increasing the color depth of an image. For more information about deforming vector objects or text, see Sizing, shaping, and rotating vector objects or Sizing and transforming text.

To scale or transform a selection, layer, or image Back to Top

Edit workspace 


Hold down Ctrl, and drag a corner handle horizontally or vertically.
Hold down Ctrl + Shift, and drag a corner handle horizontally or vertically.
Hold down Shift, and drag a side handle.
Hold down Ctrl + Shift, and drag a side handle.


By default, you must hold down Ctrl + Shift to distort an image. To distort an image without holding down keys, choose a different Mode setting on the Tool Options palette. The Scale mode is the default setting, so you must hold down a key or keys. The Shear mode lets you shear without holding down Shift. The Perspective mode lets you change perspective without holding down Ctrl. The Free mode lets you distort without holding down Ctrl + Shift.


When the Pick tool is active, you can scale and transform precisely by setting values in any of the boxes on the Tool Options palette.

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