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Mosaics and tessellations

Mosaic is a decorative art technique that involves creating images by assembling colored tiles and setting them on a surface by using grout. A tessellation is also a form of mosaic that involves repeating a geometric shape, without overlaps, to create an image. In Corel Painter, you create images by using mosaic or tessellation effects.

When you create a mosaic in Corel Painter, it’s similar to applying color by using brushstrokes, however, instead of applying paint to the canvas, you’re laying down tiles. You can create a mosaic from scratch or from an existing photo by using a clone source. You can also integrate mosaic effects in an existing image.

You can erase and/or reshape tiles to create the perfect mosaic design.

You can apply tiles to the canvas to create a mosaic.

You can use the tessellation technique to generate a mosaic that resembles stained glass. Tessellating divides your image into polygonal shapes and then converts the shapes into tiles.

You can use the tessellation technique to create a stained-glass effect.

You can alter the appearance of mosaics and tessellations in many ways. For example, you can give a three-dimensional (3D) appearance to mosaics or add points to tessellations to increase the number of shapes.

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