Automatically cloning an image

You can use the Auto Clone effect to automatically apply brush dabs to your image. The types of dabs depend on which brush you select. The color is picked up from the clone source. Unlike most other effects, Auto Clone has no dialog box, using the current brush settings and the clone color instead.

An example of the Auto Clone effect.

If you apply Auto Clone to a large area, the paint may fill smaller rectangular tiles one at a time. If you click to stop Auto Clone, it won’t automatically finish the final tile of the overall selected area. To fill in non-rectangular areas, you can use Auto Clone with a selection. For more information, see Getting started with selections.

When you use Auto Clone with tools that turn black as you repeat strokes, areas darken rapidly. You can slow down the color buildup when using Auto Clone by dimming the original image.

Another way to automate cloning is by recording and playing back individual brushstrokes, which is especially useful for filling in backgrounds. For more information, see Recording and playing back brushstrokes and Image cloning and sampling.

To automatically fill an area with cloned brushstrokes

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1 Open an image file to use as a clone source.
2 Choose File Clone.
If you want to apply the effect to only a portion of your image, choose a Selection tool from the toolbox and make a selection.
3 Click the Brush Selector on the Brush Selector bar.
4 Click the Cloners : General brush category, and then choose a brush variant such as Impressionist.
Not all Cloners are compatible with Auto Clone. If you choose an incompatible variant, the Auto Clone effect is disabled.
5 Choose Effects Esoterica Auto Clone.
Dabs of paint are automatically applied to the selected area.
6 Click anywhere in the image to turn off Auto Clone.


If you apply Auto Clone to a large area, the paint may fill areas sparsely. When you click to stop Auto Clone, it stops at that point. It won’t continue to fill the selected area. To fill an area completely, you must let the Auto Clone continue.


You can transform a variant into a cloner, so you can use it with Auto Clone, by clicking the Clone Color button in the Color panel.

You can generate more color variety in the dabs by setting the ±H, ±S, and ±V sliders in the Color Variability panel to 15% each. You can open the Color Variability panel by choosing Window Brush Control Panels Brush Media Color Variability.

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