Color Variability controls

Color variability allows you to create brushstrokes of more than one color. Color variability can be set for HSV or RGB mode, and it can be based on the current gradient or color set. For information about color sets, see Working with color sets and Creating and exporting color sets.

Examples of brushstrokes with color variability

You can also use the Smoothness slider to smooth the color variability in a brushstroke for a more organic look.

Color Variability applied to a brushstroke without smoothing (top) and with smoothing (bottom)

Color Variability based on a color set applied without smoothing (top) and with smoothing (bottom)

Audio Expression lets you link color variability to audio input from your microphone, or internal audio such as streaming music. The brushstroke colors vary in synch with the changes of the audio signal.

Color Variability linked to audio (right)

To display the Color Variability panel

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Choose Window Brush Control Panels Brush Media Color Variability.

To set color variability in HSV mode

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1 In the Color panel, choose a main color.
2 Choose Window Brush Control Panels Brush Media Color Variability.
3 Choose in HSV from the list box.
4 Adjust the Hue Variability, Saturation Variability, and Value Variability sliders to control hue, saturation, and value ranges for color variability:
Moving the ±H slider to the right increases the number of hues in the resulting brushstroke. These colors are the ones adjacent to the selected color on the color wheel.
Moving the ±S slider to the right increases variability in the color intensity of the brushstroke.
Moving the ±V slider to the right increases variability in the brightness of the brushstroke.
You can try different hue, saturation, and variability settings with any of the brushes to produce interesting results.
To smooth the color variability in the brushstroke, move the Smoothness slider.


When you save a brush variant, the current color variability setting is also saved.

To set color variability in RGB mode

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1 In the Color panel, choose a main color.
2 Choose Window Brush Control Panels Brush Media Color Variability.
3 Choose in RGB from the list box.
4 Move the ±R, ±G, and ±B sliders to control color variability of red, green, and blue values.
To smooth the color variability in the brushstroke, move the Smoothness slider.

To set color variability based on the current gradient

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1 In the Color panel, choose a main color.
2 Choose Window Brush Control Panels Brush Media Color Variability.
3 Choose from Gradient from the list box.
Color variability is now based on random colors from the current gradient.
To smooth the color variability in the brushstroke, move the Smoothness slider.

To set color variability based on the current color set

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1 In the Color panel, choose a main color.
2 Choose Window Brush Control Panels Brush Media Color Variability.
3 Choose from Color Set from the list box.
Color variability is now based on random colors from the current color set.
To smooth the color variability along the brushstroke, move the Smoothness slider.

To ignore color set variability

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1 Choose Window Brush Control Panels Brush Media Color Variability.
2 Enable the Ignore color variability from color sets check box.

To link color variability to audio

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1 Choose Window Brush Control Panels Brush Media Color Variability.
2 Click the Audio Expression button .
To choose an audio input and adjust audio settings, choose Window Audio Audio Settings Panel. For more information, see Audio Expression.

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