Image Hose controls

The Image Hose controls let you design nozzles designated Rank 1, 2, and 3. For more information, see Image hose.

The settings for each rank consist of the Expression settings plus the Sequential setting. For more information, see Expression settings.

Rank 1

The Rank 1 control lets you assign an input to locate Rank 1 imagery within an Image Hose nozzle.

Rank 2

The Rank 2 control lets you assign an input to locate Rank 2 imagery within an Image Hose nozzle.

Rank 3

The Rank 3 control lets you assign an input to locate Rank 3 imagery within an Image Hosee nozzle.

For a list of sample Image Hose brushstrokes, see Image Hose.

To choose expression settings for ranks

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1 Choose Window Brush Control Panels Brush Media Image Hose.
2 Choose a setting from each of the Rank list boxes.
To pick out nozzles from the index in order, you can choose Sequential from any of the Rank list boxes.


For more information, see Expression settings.

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