Special layers preferences

The special layers preferences affect how Corel Painter behaves when you paint on Thick Paint, Watercolor, and Liquid Ink Layers.

While many brushes are compatible with special layers, there are times when a chosen brush may produce brush marks that appear different than you would expect. There are also brushes that are simply not recommended for the current layer. In these cases, Painter will prompt you so that you can choose how to proceed.

In addition, you can set the default behavior when painting with Gel brushes, which include Fringe Watercolor, Markers, and brush variants that use the Buildup brush method.

You can also set a default visible depth for Thick Paint layers, so that Thick Paint brushstrokes are consistent. For more information about adjusting the appearance of Thick Paint on a layer, see Adjusting Thick Paint layers.

To access the special layers preferences

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1 Do one of the following:
(macOS) Choose Corel Painter 2022 menu Preferences Special Layers.
(Windows) Choose Edit Preferences Special Layers.
2 Perform a task from the following table.


Special layers preference
Thick Paint layer
Lets you set a Default Visible Depth by dragging the slider
Compatible Brushes
Lets you set a default behavior when you paint with compatible brushes on special layers
You can choose from the following options:
Prompt me to choose
Allow painting on special layers
Brushstrokes may look different than expected
Create a new default layer
Incompatible Brushes
Lets you set a default behavior when you paint with incompatible brushes on the current layer
You can choose from the following options:
Prompt me that the brush is not compatible
Create a new compatible layer
Gel Brushes
Fringe Watercolor, Markers, and variants that use the Buildup brush method
Lets you set a default behavior when you paint with brushes that use the Gel composite method
You can choose from the following options:
Prompt me to choose a composite method
Switch the composite method to Gel
Brushstrokes will have an ink-like, semi-transparent look.
Maintain the Default composite method
Some brushes may produce white artifacts.
Merging Special, Plug-in, and Shape Layers
Lets you set a default behavior when converting special, plugin, and shape layers to a default layer

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