Stroke Jitter controls

The Stroke Jitter controls introduces a randomized jitter to the brushstroke. Instead of appearing directly along the stroke, dabs appear randomly outside the brushstroke path. You can also set an Expression setting to further control the Stroke Jitter effect. For more information, see Expression settings.

You can set some stroke jitter options on the property bar. For more information, see To choose a dab profile using the property bar.

Brushstrokes with Stroke Jitter set to 0 (top) and 3.13 (bottom)

Audio Expression lets you link the Stroke Jitter effect to audio input from your microphone, or internal audio such as streaming music. The jitter changes in synch with the audio signal.

Varying Stroke Jitter in synch with audio

You can also find feature-specific jitter controls on the following brush control panels: Opacity, Grain, Size, Angle, Airbrush, Impasto, and Color Expression.

To set stroke jitter

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1 Choose Window Brush Control Panels Brush Media Stroke Jitter.
2 Move the Stroke Jitter slider to the left to decrease brushstroke deviation from the path you draw, or to the right to increase the deviation.


You can also
Specify the angle at which the brushstroke starts to deviate from the path you draw
Move the Direction slider until the desired angle is achieved.
Reverse the effect of an Expression setting
Click the Invert button .
Link stroke jitter to an audio signal
Click the Audio Expression button .
To choose an audio input and adjust audio settings, choose Window Audio Audio Settings Panel. For more information, see Audio Expression.

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